So I am pissy about Idol tonight. Basically because I don't really get the theme. It was popular ITunes downloads. I'm thinking what's in the Top 10 of the week on ITunes. Not really. Apparently it's any song that can be downloaded on ITunes, so basically any song in the world. And I think I was correct in my original assumption because they all had their little field trip to Ryan's radio show which is the Weekly Top 40. That is current top hits. Not hits from 35 years ago. Whatever.
Tonight instead of my Randy-ism I counted times he said his new favorite word "swagger"-three. I also liked DiaGuardi's outfit and earrings but that is about the only nice thing I have to say about her. Paula's necklace and earring ensemble-I LOVED IT and wish I knew where to get one. We also got to learned about the term "artistry" from DiaGuardi "It's when a person takes a song, that everyone has heard a million times, strips it down and does something to it, gives it their own twist. " Right. How damn metaphorical-basically that is a cute word to tie up what the judges have said for all those years you weren't on the show which is, "make the song your own." Thanks. (Wow I am being mean tonight). The other thing that I have had it with? Ryan telling America they cannot vote until the show is over. WE GET IT! I mean it's been seven seasons. If there is some moron sitting home dialing during the show and not getting an answer isn't this just more fun? No need for instructions.
Anoop: Wow. I mean I don't even know where to begin. And I am a huge Anoop fan, but wow. Him singing Usher is the equivalent of Archa-loser last year singing Chris Brown. Here was the comment I loved by my fave judge, "To sing Usher you have to go up in your range-and then you just did what he did." What the hell does that mean? That is a contradiction. Argh. The best thing is how much Paula hates Kara. Even if Paula agrees I swear she says the complete opposite. Then Anoop got a little annoyed and said "Well I want to be R&B." Sorry Anoop-you are not Brian McKnight.
Megan: They put the mic stand there so maybe she would stand still. No such luck. Another night subjected to that awful movement. I am angry that she made it this far and Alexis, who was so much better, is home. I never really got the "unique" sound to her voice unless by "unique" they meant "sucks."
Danny: Sorry Marrah, I love you but you and I totally disagree. I heart Danny. There is really not much more to say. I leave greatness alone.
Alison: So after she turns around and faces the mirror when hair and makeup are finished, does she feel that their interpretation of what she should look like is acceptable? I mean it is bad enough her hair looks like what would happen if Ronald McDonald became a transvestite, but did we have to make it look like Pat Benetar gone wrong? I really would have loved her to do a Kelly Clarkson song because I think she is just like her voice wise. All in all she was really good.
Scott: Only a true Billy Joel fan would realize that was not a new "look"-wardrobe purposely was trying to recreate the Billy of yesteryear that graced the Greatest Hits album. That was done on purpose. I also love how Scott said he was going to be true to himself and play the piano. I feel bad. Ever since Paula made that dumb comment he feels the need to justify his sitting behind a piano. That's OK Scott, we understand and hope Paula does too, if you are shelving your MC Hammer moves for yet another week.
Matt-Thankfully he went after Scott to borrow the same leather jacket. Matt went out to sing The Fray, my mom's new favorite band. I love this song, hated the Idol self created mosh pit around his Casio. So dumb. The judges ripped him a new one, even though I thought he did a really good job.
Lil-She sang "I Surrender" and I think she will be surrendering. This poor girl cannot catch a break. Nothing she does is good enough. On a side note-dropping some Idol knowledge on you-this song was done by Kelly Clarkson first season. It is also a song that I sing awesome in the privacy of my car-like very private. I even make sure I drop Preston off to school as to not scar him for life. And really, can they stop filming this girl from the back? She is not "lil" back there (props to Mel on that one). Not that I am either, so I feel for her. Her kids are beyond adorable and when her little girl just hugged Randy I got a little teary myself. I would love her to bust out "Single Ladies." She is amazing when she sings upbeat songs. I want her to stay around a bit longer.
Kris-I am going out of turn I know. Work with me here. And it's my blog. (I know I am way too bitchy to be writing tonight). He was good. I did not think it was the most amazing song I have ever heard. Personally I was kind of bored. Not James Taylor bored, but almost.
Adam: OK, seriously. Tonight I have had it. ENOUGH with the Adam Lambert Variety Show. This guy belongs on a cruise ship. He should have tried out for America's Got Talent and been judged by the Hoff and gone to Vegas. I mean he thinks he is untouchable. Thanking the band???? It was s bit much. If I were Ricky Minor I would have thrown my baton at him. I mean I get saying a nice "Thank you to the band." But it was like he was so awesome and the band adapted to his arrangement....AHHH. Comparing him to Steven Tyler? Not so much. Danielle made a good point-why when one of the other contestants does something different they are chastised? And in my opinion he screeches.
My pick to go home: Megan. I cannot deal with one more week of the spastic movements.
{Christmas 2023}
6 months ago
I feel like I'm famous - I got a mention on your blog! :) and I think your "pissy" take on idol was dead on...the only way to properly describe the show is with a healthy dose of sarcasm.
I totally agree about Adam...Keith said before he even went on about him can anyone think that's good????
Have you really had enough of Adam...rEaLlY???? ROFL!!!
I'm pretty much with you in agreement with everything else...except that I didn't even like Kara's outfit. I like NOTHING about her. Get rid of the biotch!!! I still say let the audience call in and vote off a judge.
Yeah...and what was up with Lil's butt? It looked like she'd backed up into a mammogram or something! Poor thing.
You are so funny. I suppose I could just watch the show - but I much more enjoy reading your re-cap and imagining it all in my head!
I understand the pissy-ness. I too thought Top 40 downloads. We were misled.
Anoop is definitely headed to the bottom three. Usher is an okay singer but a great performer so he's hard to do. Plus during an Usher song you are required to take your shirt off for no apparent reason.
LOL "Unique" The only artist she can sing would be Ingrid Michaelson and for some reason will not pick one of her songs. Who is voting for her?
I can't wait for Danny to sing a Bob Seger song like We've Got Tonight. I also hoped Bo Bice would do Turn The Page and he didn't so I think my telepathy is shorting out lately.
Allison is definitely my fave. She's still an awkward teen in her interviews but she transforms on stage into this talented woman. It's really something else.
When we first saw them all line up in the beginning we thought, 80's night. I think Scott is just the cutest thing ever. I loved his hair like that and the fact he's a Billy fan makes me like him even more. I thought he was fantastic. I wouldn't have chosen that song since Billy himself hates it and is very boring but he "made it is own" and I liked the ending. (Oh and Kim, just change Greatest Hits to Innocent Man, no one will know.)
Matt is headed to the dreaded place with Anoop tonight. I for one, don't like the Fray mainly because their songs are shoved up your ass on the radio but I also don't like Matt at all so this didn't help him.
LOL You're a true Idol fan, Kim! I said the SAME thing to Steve. I'm like, don't tackle it because Kelly did it and Steve was all, that was so long ago. Yeah but, it's Kelly Clarkson. She'll be around for awhile don't worry. Her make up in the interview was so pretty!
LOL James Taylor bored. Kris is Steve's favorite and I have to say, he's definitely a very good musician. He surprised me when he got into the Top 12 because I didn't even know who he was but he definitely deserves the spot.
You've finally come around on Adam, yay! I think last week was his best week because he sounded normal. I hate the screaming! (and they said Allison screamed No Doubt, yeah right) Everytime he sings a song I swear I think he's going to seque right into Juke Box Hero. Steve thinks he should do Welcome To The Jungle, right up his alley of screaming not singing.
LOL Spastic movements, agreed. Megan and her little twist are heading home tonight.
Great post!
Unfortunately I missed Idol last night so just had to check out your weekly blog this morning for a run down. Thanks for the update! You seriously have the best posts on this. Hysterical!
Kim Golat
ok-so even though i do not like Danny, he was good. I thought Kris was GREAT and Lil was good. I really like Kara and those earrings-whooooooh mama-got to get me some of that.
my mom made me shut it off when megan came on she said this is horrible tirn it off...loved danny and i want to shoot adam he needs to stick to broadway! anyway we miss you guys and love you
I agree Megan has to go! ROTFL Alison's hair = Pat Benetar gone wrong!
Too funny! That's a big part of why I don't usually watch the show - the judges really annoy me (well, three of the four). Your re-caps always crack me up though!
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