Here we are ready to pick the next three for the top 12! I was completely digging Paula's dress. I have a major obsession with the color green this past season and want anything that I see in green! Tonight my mother and I have decided that the most annoying thing are the absent back up singers. First of all where are they? You don't see them you just hear them. And how come they are not judged because they are horrible and half the time out of tune? It's like easy-you're not the Supremes!
Randy-ism "You know what's funny dude?" No Randy we don't. Because Randy never tells us what's funny. He says this and then I wait for what he thinks is funny and he goes-"I was totally feeling it." So basically he means-you know what's funny? You did not suck like I thought you would.
Ok let's critique-now I am not that funny tonight and I am extremely exhausted and this is my third post in three days so I apologize for being off my game.
1. Von-Ok so he starts to sing, belts out three notes and I turn to my mother and say, "He totally reminds me of Clay." The "appalling" red sneakers, the nerdy look, the funny faces. What does Simon say-"You remind me of Clay." See this is why I should be a judge and not Kara since she makes me want to stick Q-Tips so far into my ear I puncture ear drums just so I don't have to listen to her! Argh!
2. Taylor-She was not memorable. Kara told her she had "issues." This was also used by her later in the show. I gather this is her answer to "pitchy." She is trying way too hard.
3. Alex-I mean this whole performance was right up there with Norman Gentle, but he was cute and had a good sense of humor.
4. Arianna-For the love of everything good and holy. She sang Abba. Now Emily (Seamus' mom) loves Abba and remember when Gigi was busting out her rendition of Abba on the blog? Yes well Gigi should have sang tonight and her little two year old voice would have rocked the house. Unlike Arianna. Once again Simon totally stole my joke by saying her song the "Winner takes All" was ironic.
5. Ju'Not-First off this guy looked like a skinny version of the Notorious B.I.G. Second he was wearing that awful leather Members Only jacket. Third I don't like the name as a contraction. I am sure his name is Junot. No apostrophe. As he was singing I am thinking "Ju-NOT should sing ever again." That horrendous KC & JoJo rendition of "Hey There Delilah?" Really? And the judges loved it! Might I remind them of Jamar (Danny's BFF with the face jewelry) who rocked this song during Hollywood week and was dumped for the likes of Ju'Not and Norman Gentle. Wow. Wow. Wow! Ju'Not also shares Randy's love for gigantic, hideous mall kiosk chains to wear around one's neck.
6. Kristin-who looks like a slightly bizarre Mena Suvari. I love how Kara tells her she is not "feeling the outfit." Says the pot in the sparkled leotard. One thing Kristin has felt is a dentist because she has the most gorgeous teeth I have ever seen.
7. Nathaniel-Meatloaf. See post from Week 1. I have so many issues with every Meatloaf song. I still don't know what he won't do for love and this song is about fifteen years old. I thought I really sucked at dancing until I watched Nathaniel. I suddenly feel as if I should sign up for DWTS. Totally go and hang out with Tom Bergeron.
8. Felicia-This is the one that got called back because Joanna Pascuiti was kicked off the show. So Felicia is the American Idol Season 8 booty call-not good enough until they need someone and there is no one else around. I mean to be honest I prefer her over Joanna who was still crying twelve years later about being cancelled as Little Orphan Annie and already had a failed record. And did you catch this girl's baby in the audience with the Vote for Mommy T-shirt? OMG! So adorable.
9. Scott-Two things-one I hate audience participation clapping. It should be prohibited. Second I never knew that the lyrics to this song were "Listen to the Mandolin Rain." In fact I don't know what I thought the lyrics even were. Which reminds me of the King of Queens episode where Doug thinks the words to "Tiny Dancer" are "Hold me close, I'm Tony Danza." Hilarious. Scott is sailing through.
10. Kendall-she is really cute wearing Paula's dress in yellow. She said her mom picked it out. Too bad Kendall did not pick out her mom's outfit and could have saved her from wearing a silver pleather jacket on national tv.
11. Jorge-I liked him! The crying! Oh Jorge! It's funny they told him to lose the accent, now they want it back. It sounded weird that he talked without an accent. It's like when Dr. House is at the Emmy's and talks in a British accent, because he is British and really Hugh Laurie and not Dr. House.
12. Lil Rounds-She was very good. I mean really awesome and did sound a bit like Mary J.
So I think Lil and Scott are cruising through. As for the third it is a toss up between Felicia and Von. Probably Felicia. We shall see!
{Christmas 2023}
7 months ago
OK - even though I know nothing about American Idol (as we get Australian Idol), I am posting here due to the fact I missed a couple of posts due to being away last week. I just wanted to say wow...what beautiful pics of the snow...almost makes me want to play in it...almost!
Also...I found out where I can get the swimming headband...if you let me know the size of Prestons head - I will try to get you one (in green!)
Let me know....!
Haha...Kim, even when you think you're off your game, you are killing me here! I really do not even need to watch the show, because I get such realistic visuals from your descriptions. You should be contracting with Entertainment Tonight or Access Hollywood and get paid for your exclusive re-cap of the show!! They would love it!! Gigi says thanks for the shout out and to look out AI...she will be there in 15 years, singing Honey Honey of course!!
It's kinda scary ho wmuch I agree with most of what you posted...things like forgettable and such...
Is Paula back on the bottle? I sear she seemed a few sheets to the wind (is that the expression).
I didn't know that Felicia was a replacement for a top 36 drop out??? I mean I saw it last night but I didn't know this had occured-where have I been.
I must say, I fell asleep soon after Ju'Not...who I liked;-(
Of course Lil Round (with a not so lil bottom) and Scott will sail thru-to not happen would be an injustice.
I liked Kendall alot...and Jorge can sing but I had no idea he made it much after his BAD audition in PRico...
Anyway, I did have to fast forward the DVR thru Kara's commentary-she annoys me so MUCH. Seriously-your q-tip comment will just not do justice to my disdane for her.
I think I'll go out on a limb and say that either Jorge, Kendall or Ju'Not will round out the final 3...of course we still need the final final 3 of those who don't make it into the top 9, right? Who are your picks there?
Oh and I soooo loved you date post. Maybe I'll comment more on it later;-)
Maybe I'm on the bottle-I need to proof read;-)
I commented this morning, but it's not here?? LOL at Meat Loaf...I hate that song too. And hearing him sing it didn't help me like it any more.
What drives me nuts even more than the backup singers is the band. They sound like some cheesy dinner cruise band...not like a band that should be on AI.
Ok, that's all I's coming on now so we'll see what happens!
Flippin' hilarious! Okay, so I am totally outing myself. Yes, I feel like I know you ..... yes, I know that is weird, whatever. I still sleep okay. The connection: two of my very favorite people are "Caden and His Mommy." So, until that little guy introduced me to this crazy world of blogging, I never knew the cuteness that I was missing out on. And by the way, You my dear, have a son with more charisma in his little pinky ~ than Simon, Randy, Paula and Cara DiGu-weirdo have combined! And BTW, I too have a secret crush on Ryan ;). Thanks for sharing.
You still have me laughing! I agree with you about Kara. I remember that episode when Doug thought the words were "Hold me close, I'm Tony Danza" . . . yep, hilarious!
LOL Love the Randy-ism!
We all know Clay and I had a falling out, right? Yet I am so ever protective still. The wardrobe, yes, but the voice, never in a million years. Steve and I dislike Von greatly.
Alex cracked me up but his voice isn't strong enough to growl.
Abba is hard. At least do Dancing Queen, something people know! (I'm a fan of Take A Chance).
Junot's chains. BWAHAHAHAHA!
I liked Felecia. I was mad that she wasn't considered for the Wild Card. I thought everyone considered for the Wild Card blew, except Anoop of course, and the red head that didn't make it but should have over Twist Girl.
How cute is Scott? He really is the sweetest thing on earth. Loved the stationary high five with Ryan.
LOL to the silver jacket mention.
And you weren't off your game. Very funny as usual, sis!
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