Well this weekend Ba and Papa bought this for Preston...

No more crib! Preston was a little confused at first as to where we hid his crib, but by the time bedtime rolled around he was snug as a bug. Now that Preston has no rails, I have become a master at gating him into a room so he cannot get out. At my parents' we worry because of the stairs and Preston thinks he can walk down stairs perfectly with those little legs. At my house I did not think he needed a gate, but then Mom told me that he could drown in the toilet bowl. I never would have thought of this, but after she explained that he could walk into his bathroom (attached to his room), climb up his step stool and fall in and Katie totally agreed with her, I went out and purchased a gate. He actually doesn't mind be gated in, maybe since he thinks I cannot get into his domain. I do get in after swinging my legs over and of course once I did fall. In any event he actually is sad in the morning when I take his gate down. Maybe I should just throw Cheerios to him like he is an exhibit at the zoo. He is also taking Flintstones vitamins now so he really thinks he is a cool cat!
Here is the little booger all tuckered out...

Then we have to take our Annual Opening Day Yankee picture. After all, Mariano Rivera signed his very first opening day picture. Of course this is the first year he is completely mobile and two and super difficult, so getting a picture consisted of my parents and I acting like idiots, bribery with a Kit Kat bar at 7:00 am and a new matchbox car (which is visible in the picture). He did not want to share the chair with his animals. They were chucked off the chair numerous times. This is why I wanted to take the picture Friday and pass it off as Opening Day but Mel told me you cannot "faux" opening day. And the shiner under his eye you ask? While waiting for the doctor yesterday to make sure Preston had no strep throat since I feel awful, I asked him not to stand up on the wooden chair in the waiting room. Of course being the fabulous listener he is, I went to go grab him and in that split second he also tried to dodge me, lost his balance and face planted into the arm of the chair. At least we were in the doctor's office. After realizing he was ok, I was more concerned that the public was going to think I beat my child which prompted me to explain his mishap to everyone we encountered yesterday. So if I "fauxed" Opening Day the shiner would not be there. AND....then the game got rained out so the picture is a sham anyway! I thought I would post the pictures from Opening Day past to see how much he has changed! Enjoy! Go Yankees!

Opening Day 2008!
YAAAAY for the big boy bed! We are so proud of you, Preston! Seriously, that bed is awesome and you know the bedding rocks! Both of my children are zoo animals...I gate them both in, because I have nightmares of one of them getting up in the middle of the night, unlocking the front door and go wandering down the street. Now mind you, neither one of them can even reach the doorknob...but I am taking no chances!
The Yankees!!! Man, all bets are off-well, I guess since you are a AL fan and I'm a St. L Card NL fan-it might be ok:-)
Super cute pix-I love seeing years past and I love the humor involved in the faux days and animal chucking/bribery.
The MD's office is a frequent "I bet they all think I beat them" thought with all the drama that occurs while we wait...and wait...and wait. Sorry to hear you've been sick-did you have strep? Yuck-hope you feel all better soon! Drink lots of water!
I'm looking forward to a Idol filled post tomorrow!!!
Look how much he has grown! I love to see the pictures of progression. I wonder what Cole will look like as he gets older...it's amazing how much their cute little faces change!! I must say that I do love all of Preston's pics!
I have to say "Go Astros!" for my Nana..she is a RAVING Astros fan. I have a few tickets coming soon and am hoping to take Brandy and Bryan.
The shiner is good...keep it real...I hated taking my son to the dr. when he was little b/c from the time he could walk his shins were black and blue.
YaYa to Bryan.
A baseball fanatic! We're Football fans here, to the greatest LOSING TEAM IN HISTORY! The Detroit Lions, but we're dedicated...
Yeah for your bed Preston!! Have fun and try not to jump on it! Oh and remember..."YOU CANNOT FLY!"
Hannah broke her nose at 5 because she was trying to fly off the chair...
I can inagine you throwing cherrios at him and him making animal sounds, how funny, maybe a video?
i still believe that "Fauxing" opening day would be wrong. next you will tell me you need to "faux" his birthday.... or christmas. I'm just saying....
I agree...no faux. Faux is ...well, faux. Real is so much better. Without real we wouldn't have had that great story now would we! Great, Cool bed. Love the sheets and love Thomas. Preston is such a cutie.
PS. Go Tigers. Whip those nasty Yankees.
You can't even see the bruise. I hope you didn't cover it up like you said you would. I mean, he's going to have to tell his girlfriends at day care about his fight on the playground, right? You can't rob him of his first "well, you should see the other guy!" Instead he'll walk into day care and Bella would be like, "Is that cover-up? Yeeeaaahhh...I have to go finger paint over there now by myself..."
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