1) Swatting at people;
2) Throwing objects or clearing off a table with one powerful achon arm.
The former I know where he picked it up, the latter, I have no idea. The swatting was started by my brother Charlie. When Preston was about ten months and touching faces, Charlie would pretend to fall on the floor when Preston touched his face. This made Preston's day (look he was 10 months-that and pureed bananas did it for him) and he started to swat harder. What did not penetrate was that not everyone was going to play the "Swat Game." But certain people would indulge him (*cough* Mom, Dad, Katie, Steve, Chris ) and now he truly believed that random strangers would enjoy a slap in the face as opposed to him just being a cute toddler.
Now his swatting has taken on another dimension. Part of it is self defense. Part is defending his momma. Preston is not too fond of people invading his space (Think Seinfeld's "close talker"). If someone gets into that private bubble, they are getting a swat. If someone comes to close to me he feels the need to protect. I mean he went at a pizza delivery guy who was coming out of the elevator the other day. The guy was not even delivering to us! This can prove to be very uncool if mommy is trying to snag a single, rich, neurosurgeon (*cough McDreamy), so this naturally has to be curbed. At school he is taught "Nice touches." Partly because all of the children are mini Ninjas and partly because you have to teach that nice stuff so they don't go out and slaughter small defenseless forest animals. And he likes giving nice touches. It's almost like he just wants to make sure that this person is not a "bad guy." So in a way I am glad he is more aware and not willing to walk away with any scary man carrying a 3 Musketeers, but I still don't want him to be that jaded at 2 thinking everyone is a potential threat and constantly ready to go all Chuck Norris on them.
His swatting is mostly still a game. He is 2, a boy and sometimes wants to get wild. He usually does it to people with a big smile on his face. He also thinks getting wild is a game. I usually immediately tell him nice touches and he will give nice touches. I know they are thinking I am raising the next Damian. They usually understand....until Preston's head spins 360 degrees.
The other problem is the throwing. The throwing is never sincere. It's not in self defense. It's just plain wrong. This I never excuse and want it to stop! I never tell Preston he is "bad." My mom never used that word to us. For his self esteem I don't tell him he is "bad." I might tell him something is not nice or something is bad, but I never say, "You're bad." The throwing is his way of showing frustration. I kind of understand him, he has my level of patience (which is a low threshold). For example, if he cannot get his Crocs on after two tries, the Crocs go flying across the room. If he asks for more Cheerios in his empty bowl and I say "no," that apparently equates to chucking the bowl off the table. If we have to leave for school and he is playing with his farm, where do you think the pigs and cows go?
I cannot tolerate the throwing. After he throws, he bends his head down and breathes through his nose like a dragon. I have tried to think of how to discipline in this situation. I tried my couch, but he sits on the couch for stories. I did not want to use his crib or his armchair because those are happy places. So I opted for the good old fashioned corner. My mother used this on my youngest brother Chris. Chris was a royal pain and threw tantrum after tantrum...really not much different than him at 24...
The corner was effective. He stood for all of 10 seconds, would turn around, hug me and go about the day. Then he realized I was going to keep putting him in the corner when he did something wrong. So we went to Ba and Papa's house this weekend and Preston emptied my mother's basket of cocktail napkins in the family room and brought it into the kitchen. He then threw the basket on the floor after I asked him to pick up the napkins. So I put him in the corner. He stood there. For a long time. After like a minute I told him if he picked up the basket he would not go back in the corner. What did he do? Walked over to the basket and hurled it across the kitchen. I said to him, "Now get back into the corner." And he did! And he ran there with a big smile on his face....laughing! And stood there again-this time for about three minutes.
You know what Preston accomplished? He turned it around on me. Now when you ask him if he'd like to go in the corner, he says, "YES!" Now what? He has turned punishment into a game. I can try taking TV away in the morning, but all that will accomplish is him hanging off me and me being unable to blow dry my hair. I am sure if I keep putting him there the novelty of this new game will dissipate. For now though, I have been outsmarted by my own child. So here is Preston in the corner. All that is missing is a raised finger to mommy. Oh well. Any suggestions warmly accepted!
KIM! How dare you put Preston in the corner!!! I mean, he's a boy...and a little person! LOL
Jacob said that too me one day after scolding Knoah...LOL
He is soo cute standing there! OMG, I could just kiss all over him!
Knoah is swatting too...were not talking love pats, were talking full open handed swings! The throwing where doing too!! I have noticed, did Preston do this, when told no Knoah bangs his head on the floor...AAGG! Good thing he has extra fluid!
The wonderful world of 2's :) I have one of those...and I know all about the throwing and time outs! So much fun. I wish I had a good solution for you, unfortunatley I am also working on it. I have to say though, the picture of him in the corner is soo cute. Doesn't make you want to go hug him?! I'm sure at the moment it doesn't, but looking at it is so sweet. I thought you were writing about Will when you said he went back and threw the basket again- they would get along perfectly :)
how dare you think my baby monkey needs much discipling i think he is perfect just the way he is! as for the corner it provided great levity the other day I actually had tears in my eyes. go preston
OMG,Kim! I think our boys (JD, 2 achon) are the exact same. I have been reading your blog (nice job)and I really thought I was reading about JD, maybe an achon trait? LOL
Jill (Boston, JD achon 2)
All I can say is...I hear you! Supernanny is my idol, so we have a "naughty step" and have time-out there. Does it work? Well, he's learned to be extra-elusive with his naughtiness, waiting until I start loading the dishwashing to body slam his sister to the floor. And the super fun part is that I am also babysitting during the week for two more two-year-old boys. The thrills are endless, let me tell you :-)
That picture...HILARIOUS! And the whole thinking that re-throwing the basket was funny... he's totally turning into me. You better watch out because he's going to start "following mom following mom following mom" and asking for a Philipshead screwdriver.
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