We are adapting well here. Preston is super cranky I believe from the whole move and the lack of naps. He is peacefully sleeping right now, I think from pure exhaustion. I have been trying to keep up with everyones' blogs-wow being out of commission for a few days is rough.
I am also trying to adapt at slowing down a bit. Yesterday I wanted a spot in front of the grocery store and saw someone get into their car. After about 15 seconds of them not pulling out I saw my impatience rise. Very similar to Larry David in that Curb Your Enthusiasm episode. I was all like, "What the hell? Just put the key in and BACK OUT!"* (*This was also edited for violent language).
Perhaps because I had just dealt with the real intense man from the Geek Squad at Best Buy. All I needed was a simple wireless card. OH NO....we had to first "run" a spy ware sweep and then I proceeded to get a lecture about how my spy ware could be outdated, yada, yada,yada. Meanwhile you would think I was a government hacker or kiddie porn downloader the way I was interrogated. Then after he got the card which was $49 he told me the "installation fee" was another $49. Apparently I thought the installation was technical-actually it entailed a flat head screwdriver and being adept enough to place the part inside the hard drive and then----oh the hard part----screwing it back together! He then proceeded to tell me that his "work" (can you believe this) was not guaranteed because I refused to pay an additional $79 for him to perform a "diagnostic" on my hard drive. OK. Now come on. Really? He just ran a whole spy ware check and virus check! What would the diagnostic reveal? Wasn't that what he just did? Doctors at Columbia Presbyterian could not even diagnose my son and this guy wanted to check every orifice of my hard drive?
So I did not get the diagnostic. My computer can have the sniffles, I don't know. I think I am pretty smart and I felt the Best Buy Geek Squad Nazi man was just trying to get me to pay for a service I did not need. You know like when you go to Jiffy Lube for JUST an oil change and they show you your air filter and that it is slightly dirty. Of course it is you idiot-it's a friggin air filter. They get dirty. They filter air. They are pretty much always dirty. It's like the lint catcher in the dryer....OK sorry. Deep breath. I am down south now. I need to tone it down. I hope VA is ready for me.
FILM REMOVED FOR PRIVACY OF NEIGHBORS. I will post some pics of the house again soon!
{Christmas 2023}
7 months ago
What a dump... Im so not visiting until your dad does something with that landscaping...
Love, Melski
ps- im kidding for all of kims friends that dont know me. I catually cannot wait to come to the TDM
Thanks for the virtual tour! I wonder what the neighbors thought as you were filming? :0)
I bet Preston is exhausted ... the new home is large, that is a lot off space for him to explore!
Sorry you had to deal with idiot tech geek at Best Buy!
OMG Kim it looks like such a nice neighborhood! Preston is going to have a lot of fun moments there!
I can totally relate on the pissy driving...I swear I am such an aggressive driver!
It's a friggin' mansion in a neighborhood of mansions! The best part, though, was catching the bits of the New York accent coming through - LOL
Kim, the neighborhood is beautiful! Can't wait to see some pictures of Preston enjoy himself running the halls!!
Wow! Love those VA homes :) I agree with your friend Melski at the top...I so would not come to visit until your dad does something with that yard! You are totally bringing down the neighborhood! Haha! JUST KIDDING! It's beautiful!! Can't wait to see more from your new town!
WoW! So, I am leaving tonight, I'll be there in a few hours...don't worry about me, just throw some blankets into the garage and I'll sleep there, K?
Such a lovely home...I sure hope you are all settling in nicely and that Preston has caught up on sleep and is also getting settled in. Looks like a wonderful neighborhood too;-) Your accent cracks me up...I (foolishly) wasn't prepared for that NY accent
My entire house would nestle nicely inside of your new house several times over. I think however, I'm most jealous that you are moving back in with your parents. I would so love to do that (come to think of it, I don't think my husband would mind that much especially during football season). Built in babysitters! Glad your getting settles. Need some Preston pictures soon!
Thanks for the video! Your neighborhood is so nice! They just don't look like that in Florida. We will be driving through VA next week on our way to NJ, we'll be thinking of you! I saw on facebook you start work tomorrow already...good luck!
Cat, Dan Owen, Steve, Anne and Alyssa, Carly and Drew COULD all move in and we'd love it! Unfortunately MY house would probably fit inside your bedroom so maybe we'd be just a tad bit squished. Love the video. Love that you're trying to learn to be a "southern belle". May take a little while to shake off the New Yorkness though. Just don't lose that accent. At least not until I get to hear it in person! Much love in your new home. Lucky, lucky grandma and grandpa having you guys with them!
Glad you're getting settled, and the move went well. The new house is beautiful! How great for you and Preston! Good luck as you continue to get settled in! Hopefully you don't have to deal with any more psychos like the "Geek Squad Nazi" Before you know it that NY accent (that I also was foolishly unprepared for) will be gone and you'll have a southern accent instead!
Dad likes to garden?
Anyway, laughed about the Geek Squad Nazi Man and the air filter! Very funny post for someone running on no energy! I'm glad you are all settled in. I'm looking forward to a vid of the inside or I could just wait the 16 days to see it live...post a vid. ;P
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