We had Preston's semi annual geneticist appointment today. Actually it's been longer than six months, more like eight or so...but who's counting? He was 26.9 pounds (his pediatrician said 27 but this time he was standing versus sitting I have no clue if that makes a difference). He is measuring 32 1/4 inches which puts him at the 95th percentile for achon and in never never land on the AH charts. What makes me laugh is the average 2 1/2 year old is roughly 35-36 inches (obviously there are some that are 37) so you think-no big deal a couple of inches but on the charts it's like Preston is suspended in dead air below the 3rd percentile. :-) They measured him twice since the first time they were at 32-I mean really but I guess that 1/4 inch is a big deal.
What totally cracks me up is that they also measure...well.. you know...(ahem)...his boy parts. Are there charts for this? I mean I am sure if these were well known to the public, men would be all over this. So I hear them take the measurement and think well is it good? Bad? Do I really as his mom want to know that anyway?
All in all he had a good visit. He also got a stuffed animal, wind up toy and two lollipops from Dr. Angulo. After the visit Matt picked him up and they are off to Boston. Mommy celebrated by getting a manicure without having to corral Preston in the nail salon. Methinks it is time for some wine....
{Christmas 2023}
7 months ago
Yaa for mom time! I need some of that right about now...
I know it's silly that we put so much emphasis on height and weight, but I am looking forward to seeing where Cole falls on the charts tomorrow:) That 1/4 of an inch is a big deal...go Preston!
Glad that you had a good appointment and that you are getting some well deserved mommy time.
I am still waiting for mine. I have to be a single mom this weekend with 4 children at an overnight Cub scout camp out. For the whole weekend.
Take pity on me. By the end of the weekend I will be screaming Calgon take me AWAYYYY!
Yay for the great checkup, Preston! S & G had their 3yr and 18mo checkups together last week, and it finally happened...Grace is now 3/4 of an inch taller than her big brother. However, this has no impact on him whatsoever, as he still retains the ability to body slam her while they are "playing." Boys! Have a wonderful mommy-time weekend and enjoy your wine :-)
Way to go Preston! I don't think they measure Parker's *boy parts* at his genetics clinics.
Congratulations on your manicure. I haven't had one in so long, I don't even know what that word means anymore. :-)
sounds like he had a great visit!!
I am glad you got some "alone"time...I love getting my nails done!!
Oh my gosh! Cracking up! Can you imagine the mass hysteria that a ..ahem..."Mr. Peeper" growth chart would cause?! That would be a 95th percentile that all men would want to be in (or at least say they were in)!
Go Preston! Or should I say "Grow Preston"?
I have never heard of such a thing - measuring his boy parts?! I wonder until what age they measure down there? Too funny!
Glad to hear Preston's appointment went well!!
I hope your weekend alone is going well, a manicure? I'm so jealous!
Hope you're enjoying your "alone time"! You will be so much more refreshed when Preston comes home!
I can't believe they actually measure "that" - strange! Glad to hear the appointment went well!
Really? They measured his eventual manhood? I have never heard of such a thing! Well, I suspect as the rest of him is growing that is too.
His appointment went well!! YEAH Preston!!
Hehe, when JD was 2 weeks old Dr. Goldberg did that too.
I wish you came to Boston with Preston, we could have met up. Maybe another time,we can meet!!!
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