Well I think the dude is just pulling this sleeping nonsense with me. The other night while Katie and I went to see my man Jon play, Preston stayed with my parents. Although he camped on the floor, he was an angel. When I stay at my parents' I stay in my old room with Preston instead of sleeping in another bedroom. In the middle of the night he can climb into that bed with me because there is a little decorative box at the foot of the bed. He hoists himself right up. As soon as I turned off the light from coming in from the concert, Preston was in the bed. Wednesday night he had a crying jag for an hour until he conked out. Last night no crying and he was in his bed (say for an emergency I don't allow him in my bed at our house)...I finally thought, "this is it!" until 1 am rolled around and there were utter hysterics until I fell asleep on his floor. At 3am I crept back into my room only to wake to the hysterics again at 5 am. His punishment this morning is no television and I took away his little cars. He doesn't seem all that affected either.
I want to stay mad (I admit I tend to yell in the middle of the night out of frustration) and I was not yelling but firm this morning.I explained that Mommy is tired and Mommy has to concentrate at work. As I was in the shower his little head popped in (so much for privacy) and he goes,"Sorry Mommy." It was like the third time he said it...and to top it off he had my shower cap on his head and I just laughed so hard. I love him, but I would love just one good night's sleep.

don't those little boy sorrys just melt your heart?! I understand the frustration. I hope things get better soon. This just all started one day huh? Is it still the noises? I feel bad for you guys. I know how important sleep is :) But at least he's cute!! I'm sure that helps some days :)
Oh, I feel for you. I guess your boss frowns upon your taking naps in the middle of the day....Sometimes I consider dropping Parker at daycare and going home to sleep instead of to work! :-)
Hopefully, Preston will grow out of this phase soon so you can both get some rest.
Kim- I can totally feel your pain! The last 3 nights, Cole has been waking up 3-4 times just screaming. I think it's because he is teething, but still...ughhh! I'm not the nicest mommy in the middle of the night! I ended up having to sleep propped up with him draped across my chest and my boy is not a cuddly guy...I'm exhausted!! Good luck getting some sleep!! BTW..he looks really cute with a shower cap on and I can't wait to hear "I'm sorry mommy" one day from Cole!!
Wishing the sleep fairy visits Preston and you soon! I am awful if I don't get the required 12 hours of sleep...I manage okay on 6...
OMG what a cutie!!!
I am the same way though, I tend to yell at night too. I hope he lets you get some sleep soon though. :)
haha come on kim its impossible to stay mad at him...look at that face and his personality...he knows how to work you and hes only 2 lol
Kim...we started having hideous sleeping problems with Seamus out of the blue...and the problems was his adenoids! He was waking himself up in the middle of the night with an obstructed airway. It was terrible, but since the surgery...Ta da! No more sleeping problems. Maybe worth checking out?
I hate to say this but Andrea is 4 and still cries herself to sleep. She has been doing it since she was 6 months old.
I just let her cry it out. Eventually she cries herself to sleep. I know that wasn't very encouraging news.
Hope you get to sleep sometime soon.
Uh...you have a shower cap? Seriously? A shower cap-huh.
Wow. That's such a sweet face. Hard to get mad at him. If he just wasn't so doggone cute!
I'm sorry you are having to deal with this. UGH! So frusterating! I wish I had some suggestions for you or a magic answer! Good luck and hang in there! oh, and I must say, I love the picture! Too funny!
Awe that picture is too damn cute! He's such a funny little kid, like he knew doing that would make you laugh and have you forget he made you upset.
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