Today my mom was in the kitchen and was calling for my dad. She said "Hellllooooo?" really drawn out. So Preston of course mimicked her and it was too cute. I was trying to get a video and he finally cooperated when I had him waiting for his grilled cheese. Check this out. Notice he also says, "I love you" and when I ask him where Mommy is going he says "airplane!" I love Preston's talking, but being at the "parrot" stage I have to watch my potty mouth. In fact the other day looking for a spot (which is beyond nerve grating in Westchester) I went up the block and all spots were filled which prompted a "Holy Crap!" out of me. It prompted a certain little dude to also say "Holy Crap" to which I immediately said, "No, Mommy said 'Holy Moly.'" Damage control people. So this video is also for Jennifer, because if you thought he was cute in still pictures....
{Christmas 2023}
6 months ago
Holy Crap! :) I am grinning from ear to ear! I want to grab him and eat him up (in the most non-homicidal way possible)! I love him! Love the video, you need to post lots and lots of video from now on. I think we are long lost sisters too! PS - my sisters weight loss secret? IBS. She'd tell you herself. It worked though.'s almost worth it!
That was so ADORABLE! I cannot, cannot wait to see him in a couple weeks!
Doesn't it make your heart melt when he says "I love you"! The best. "Crap" is my favorite word and I 've heard it repeated more then once. I'm working on it!
You're killing me here Kim. I'm booking a flight to New York so I can come and hug on that boy for a while! He is absolutely a hoot.
So Cute! Caden watched the video a couple times - he was very serious about it at first but then decided Preston was funny and started smiling at it. I love it! Have a GREAT time on your vacation!!
L-O-V-E the video! It's so much better getting to actually see them on video! Preston has the cutest personality!!
I agree with Jennifer on one of her comments about posting some bad pictures already :) Preston is too cute for words. I just love the video. It's so much fun getting to see that cute personality that you talk about! We loved watching it. The "I love you" is sooo sweet. I have been trying to get Will to say it forever. Of course he is a little parrot when I say something, oh, not so nice ;) but when I want him to say something like I love you- no such luck! Thanks for sharing. Preston is adorable. I say this a lot, and truly mean it- I sure hope we get to meet that little cutie one day!! And you too :)
I just came back for seconds this is so cute
Love it...loooooovvvvveeeee it!
Super precious and adorable-you however sound nothing like i thought you would...that was you right?
Hope you have a wonderful trip! I'll miss your AI update terribly!
I don't think I have an email address for you, but I wanted to say have a g fun and safe trip! I hope your flight goes well and that you have a great time at the wedding and hopefully you get some time to sight see and just have fun!!
We will be anxious to read about it :)
I have been lacking with the checking of many now!!
Preston is just so squeezable and cute! I so hope we get a chance to meet someday!!!!
Have a great trip!!
Ok, I've been checking your blog daily now for any updates...then it dawns on me! You are on VACA!! Hope you are having a blast and I look forward to reading all about it!
Hi there :) I have never come across a 'blog' before but somehow came to yours while doing a search on Achondroplasia...our 2 year old little boy, Mattie, was born with this condition and am wondering if your son does as well. I would very much like to get in contact with you...while looking at your pictures I was stunned with one in particular...a picture of you (I'm assuming it is you) cheek to cheek with your little boy. I was stunned because that picture looks just like my son with the only difference being that your little guy has brown hair and what appears to be brown eyes and my son has blonde hair and blue eyes. As soon as I saw the picture I brought my kids and husband over to the computer and they were just as amazed thinking that it was our Mattie with brown hair! I would love to send you a picture of our son and get in touch but because I don't know how 'blogs' really work I'm not sure how to do that other than to give you my information first. If you happen to get this comment, please contact me at
Looking forward to hearing from you.
I'm glad you are back and am looking forward to your idol opinions and a recap from your trip;-
So, we've been SO FAR behind on blogs that we just saw this. Liz heard me watching the video and had to jump up and we watched it together about 7 times. She kept saying: "Preston is so cute. I like him."
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