This is it folks. I am off to Ireland next Tuesday so I will be unable to cover the finals and trust me no one is more disappointed than me. I actually e-mailed the concierge at the hotel about the Ireland replay policy of Idol. Unfortunately the results show will be broadcast Saturday! I may catch Tuesday night at JFK if I am lucky. So in Idol Chatter this week we found out Archuleta's loser dad is no longer permitted backstage because he is that annoying. Apparently he wanted lyrics changed in a song last week and the show had to pay for that. Who is this guy? Three months ago he was shoveling manure and now he is stage diva?
Well the top 3 performed. And I watched it on my new HDTV that my parents bought me for my 30th. (Hee! Thanks Mom and Dad). We had judges' choice, contestant's choice then producers' choice. The show kicked off with David Archuleta singing "And So it Goes" by Billy Joel. Now being raised on Long Island you have to be a Billy Joel fan-I mean it's like being born an automatic Springsteen fan in Jersey. OK I will admit, I think Archuleta has a great voice-he does, but he can only sing ballads (as will be proven in Round 2). The word "pitchy" has been replaced by Randy's new catch phrase "Dog, you can sing the phone book" which he used like fifteen times tonight. They all say Archuleta can sing anything. I beg to differ. I will bet my next two paychecks that David would not rock anything from the Ludacris catalogue. Syesha sang "If I Ain't Got You" and looked AMAZING. I think she is really good. She is a true performer. Then David Cook sang "First Time Ever I saw Your Face." Wow. This was the first song I used in Preston's first birthday montage. Then his mom was standing up. Remember Ryan saying people had tears in their eyes? Yours truly. I was bawling on my couch. I clapped for David. I really hope he wins.
Round 2 was a little rough. First off who is dressing Archuleta? This kid is way too wholesome for the whole vintage skater look. I picture Archuleta in footie pajamas with an embroidered bear. I am so glad Randy shared a brain with me, because seriously when Archuleta said "My Boo" and then "Hey Baby Mama" I paused the television, called Mel, mocked him and then watched the rest for comic relief. See what happens when David's dad cannot pick his song? Syesha I thought sang "Fever" awesome but for some reason it was anti-Syesha night. David Cook also did well, but I agreed with Paula that the song felt like it was a nanosecond long. David actually received the only pitchy comment of the night.
Round 3 was producers' choice. If I had a choice I would have made Archuleta sing "Safety Dance." That would be a sure fire failure. Instead they pick DAN FOGELBERG? I mean are you kidding ME? There is nothing exciting about Dan Fogelberg!!! Even his name is boring! "Longer" was a long one and half minute snoozefest. For all of you not up on all things Fogelberg, he sang that song "Same Auld Lang Syne" that they pull out around the holidays every year. You know the one where he meets his miserably married ex girlfriend at the grocery store, they buy a six pack, drink a toast to innocence,drink a toast an hour and then she drives off with the snow turning into rain. I personally think the song is quite irresponsible in that this woman drives off after drinking with Fogelberg for the past couple hours. There should be a follow up verse where she is pulled over for DUI and thrown in jail for Christmas...but I digress. It bored the hell out of me.
Poor Syseha just wanted the show to end, go backstage and cry. Poor thing. She is told that singing old songs is "cabaret" and to sing contemporary. Then she sings contemporary (granted it was from Happy Feet) and is torn limb from limb.
David rocked out Aerosmith. It is a safe bet that the finale will feature the Davids. I am so sorry I will miss it. I wish there was is a way to do a blog if I do see it. My sis is bringing over her computer, so we will see. Enjoy!
{Christmas 2023}
6 months ago
Ha. This was too funny. I am going to have to try and catch these performances on YouTube tomorrow, because I am sure it is even more amusing hearing the "phone book" actually coming out of Randy's mouth!
On a side note...I have been meaning to email you because we just found out that Seamus needs an adenoidectomy :-(
June 5th is the big day, so I am hoping the Thomas high will last for a few days!
I agree. If you're from Long Island, you pretty much have no choice but to like Billy Joel. And the only person I will allow to sing Billy Joel is Billy Joel. No substitutions.
When they announced what Cook was singing, I immediately told mom that that was the first song you used on the Preston Volume 1 slideshow. It was so beautiful and after all you had been through in your last month it was so fitting and emotional that I cried when we watched it. A lot. One time at work, my Launchcast station played it and I wept and called you after. The song will always remind me of you and Preston. Cook did such a wonderful job with it. I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I did.
Syesha did a great rendition of Fever. Of course I am quite partial to the part when they abruptly say Fever! and everything pauses but her slight difference makes it hers. She did great despite what they said.
LOL On the whole Dan Fogelberg p-graph. I remember when dad and I had to explain to you that he did not have an affair with the woman in the grocery store. You were so MAD at Dan Fogelberg for having an affair on Christmas Eve! I'm glad we cleared it up but Kim, taking a stab at a dead man! I agree, the song was boring. It was like the producers had Dan and James Taylor in mind and realized both men would lull a bull to sleep so it didn't really matter because, afterall, it's David Archuletta and anything he touches turns to gold. Stupid Midas.
I was surprised Cook did well with Aerosmith, I mean no one has pipes like Steven Tyler. He opted out of most of the high notes and I felt his last note was pretty bad and I think he knew it so he did his rocker scream pushing it up an octave and saved it. He's beautfiul.
I love the humor in this post. You're the best!
Hello kim hope all is well,
we are now back on antibiotics due to our Upper respitory and sinus infection. yaaaaaaa we are chronic to this even after an adnoide removel. so we are going ack to the Ent Dr. in June it seems like for ever to get things corrected..and sure you can add us on your page if you want infact id love to add you as wll but im new to the bloging thing and not sure how to even do it.
Seriously, I don't even watch American Idol (ok, now i've alienated myself from your readers!) but your blog is so funny, witty and just.... YOU that I enjoy it nonetheless! Love ya babe.
I couldn't help but laugh the whole time reading your post. I thought the exact same thing. I couldn't stand David A. I mean can he sing just 1 song with his eyes open the whole time? Does he have a medical condition that prevent him from doing so?
Poor, poor Syseha. I thought she did great not to mention she looked great too. During the last song I thought she was going to break out and do the Beyonce butt dance.But, It never happened.
I do like the other David though and I agree with you about the middle song. It was over way to quick. I am hoping that he wins. I have everything crossed!
they're coming-just haven't had a second to spare (to watch:-).
they're coming-just haven't had a second to spare (to watch:-).
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