Saturday, September 11, 2010

Never Forget

This year I watched a video on YouTube of September 11, 2001. And the pain has not eased. My stomach still knotted, even though I knew what would be coming on the video. My eyes welled with tears at the images that will forever be ingrained in my mind. Images I wish no one ever witnessed. The pain of that day, coupled with losing my grandmother the day before and then finding out that our family friend, who was my same age, did not make it out of the top floors of the North Tower; that pain still remains. It does not dampen. It does not fade with time. Severe clear. That was how the day was described. Not a cloud in the sky. As I crossed the Throgs Neck Bridge that morning and glanced as I always did to my left, I never knew that would be the last time the Towers would anchor the city skyline. When I crossed that bridge again, one day later and looked then to my right, all that remained was a fiery smoke pit. I could write thousand of words about that day. I wish I didn't have to. I wish the planes reached their destinations. I wish that the toughest decision for people in those towers that day was deciding where to eat for lunch, not deciding whether to stay or jump. I wish that when I cross that bridge, the towers are still there. I wish Matt were still alive. I wish that thousands were not grieving today. I wish my son did not have to grow up in a world that worries when the next attack will be.
Today and always, I remember. God Bless You. God Bless those that fight for my freedom and my country's freedom every single day. Who witness unspeakable horrors so I can go about my mundane life. God Bless America.


Anonymous said...

Awesome, thank you for saying what so many think and feel.

Unknown said...

Couldn't have said it better. God Bless!

Jaime said...

Living in CA we don't truly understand what those in NY went through that day. We know from watching the news and the documentaries, but unless you actually lived through it, we can't completely understand. God Bless!

Greene Family said...

Same here - couldn't have said it better. Every year it feels like it just happened, and I can't believe that 9 years have passed. I lost a very dear friend at the Pentagon that day, and he would have turned 33 yesterday. God Bless!

Katie Jaye said...

Such beautiful words, Kim. You definitely summed it up better than I ever could.