Brunch was so amazing-they had our table on the rotunda level all set up with a booster seat ready and his water and juice cups ready as well. He felt very special since all the table are pre-set with water, orange juice and champagne! Check out my mom and sis hitting up the dessert buffet table!
{Christmas 2023}
5 months ago
Looks like you guys had a blast! Too bad about John Candy not being there, though. Woulda been kinda creepy, since he's dead and all, but it woulda been fun! Congrats on the new car, too!
Happy Birthday Preston's Grandma! That's one handsome boy you've got there! Honest, does he ever not smile for the camera?
i dont get the fuss over your son its not like i have a picture of him on my key chain or anything lol..i miss you guys and cant wait to come see you!!!
Great pics! It's a shame about the strawberry farm...but it seems like you guys had a great time anyway! That's a great picture of you and your sister too!!
Sounds like you had a fun weekend...too bad about the strawberry farm though. That place that you took your mum to for her b'day looks awesome - I bet she loved it. Hope you had a great Easte; loved the Easter slide show - looks like Preston had a blast.
I am so cracking up over your mom and the toy store...I swear, our mothers are the same person!! If I had a buck for every time I heard my mom say, "Nanny will buy you a present..." Sheesh! I remember when I used to get all the good stuff! A very Happy Birthday to Ba (is that still her cool name?) Looks like you all had a wonderful weekend!
Happy Birthday Barb!!! Hope you had a great day. Pres looks like a million bucks in these shote (as he always does). So excited for the new car....but am the most exicted for Thursday!!! YAY!!!!!
Congrats on the new car. Out with the old and in with the new. Looks like you all had a great weekend. Sending a late happy birthday to your mom.
That is too bad about the strawberry farm, but when you go, you'll have loads of fun. Sounds like it was still a fabulous weekend!
Looks like you had a great time at the playground and brunch. I can't believe it's nearly Strawberry pickin time!! And congrats on the new vehicle! I'm sure it's nice to be out of the old one with the not-so-sweet memories. Can't wait to see the pics!
Sounds like a great weekend, even with the disappointment - an afternoon playing outside normally makes up for almost anything! Awesome that you got a new car, yay for you! Pres is just too cute, as always!
I just can't get over how handsome he is. I love all of his hats!
Yeah for a fun weekend with your sis - and way to go sis for running the marathon! A new car ... more fun :0) Isn't that so cute that cups were on the table for Preston :0) Adorable pics as always! ... onto my blog. They think maybe the compression may have something to do with the walking but the fact that he is still developing and not "stuck" is a little reassuring! Can't wait to see the docs at the conference ... and maybe the conference will be a great time for Preston to attend his first Yankee game with his LP buddies :0)
It was a really fun weekend with you guys! It was nice to see you and hang out and EAT! Preston is so cute. I loved every minute I got to spend with the Little Man. Love you Kim!
It looks like you guys had a fun weekend! Great photos!! Too bad about the strawberry farm - your mom sounds like my mom! :) Congrats on the new car - Yay! Happy Belated Birthday to your mom!!
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