OK, disclaimer and this is really inadvertent, but I cannot critique Adam. I cannot critique Adam because I DVRed the episode and the episode must have run long and the DVR cut off. I tried very diligently to get the performance and would have even bought it from iTunes for 99 cents just to complete the blog, but alas, even Idol on Fox does not have tonight's performances up yet, so sorry. I mean last year I missed the finale since my brother totally planned his wedding, in Ireland of all places, during the finale and you all forgave me, so I missed a performance. (*Hanging head in shame*) And let me just say something else-I took a lot of heat on my non love affair with Adam. I must say I love that some of you disagree with me-that is what makes this fun. It is not that Adam is not a good singer-he is, if he cut out the screeching and the variety show act. Anyone else would be told to pick a persona, but his persona is variety show and for some reason that annoys me a bit. I don't know why-sometimes things annoy me-like repeats of Grey's Anatomy and the new Facebook layout. Although today on Facebook I did become a fan of Ryan Seacrest. The other issue I have with Adam is he is a little too cocky for Week 5.
Randy-ism "She can sing her face off." I assume this translates to "She pretty much rocks and can sing the phone book."
Anyway tonight's theme-songs from the year you were born. I was so excited because technically this was 1980's night and you all know my "infatuation" (year 1984) with the 80's; the synthesizers, the big hair, the music videos, the euro glam bands. So awesome. Minus Alison, they were all born in the 80's. While I liked most of the songs they picked, I would like to interject what I think each of the contestants should have sung. That is my game tonight. I was born in 1978. If I was on Idol it would have been a toss up between "Kiss you All Over" (think Adam Sandler) or "Dust in the Wind." (Think Will Ferrell)
Danny, 1980: What he sang: "Stand By Me."
What he Should Have Sung: "Hungry Heart" Bruce Springsteen
I love Danny, but I feel he cheated. This song was re-done in 1980. I feel that going through the Top 100 from that year there was a lot to chose from: Queen, Billy Joel, Dan Fogelberg. (Totally kidding on Fogelberg and I know Katie, this is second year in a row I am ripping on the dead guy).
Kris, 1985: What He Sang: "All She Wants to Do is Dance"
What He Should Have Sung: "St. Elmo's Fire (Man in Motion)"-John Parr or "Never Surrender" by Corey Hart
Ok, so I like those songs! I HATE the staged, created Idol-esque mosh pit. This feature on Idol needs to end. The people are half heartedly clapping along. It's so bad. I kind of liked his funky, Jamiroquoi version of the song. I love how he also was happy to get a day off. A question though, isn't this whole Idol thing just one big giant DAY OFF? How is living in a ginormous house, going to movie premieres, shooting Focus commercials and having a cook, work? Seriously- because that sounds like the elements of a vaca. Enough complaining Kris. You are getting paid.
Lil, 1984: What She Sang: "What's Love Got to Do With It"
What She Should have Sung...does it really matter? I mean no matter what this girl does she is going to get ripped apart. I just wanted to cry for her. It would be less painful for the four judges to come out and wail her with a baseball bat. It's just so harsh! Sing a ballad-your ballad sucks. Sing a fast song-your fast song sucks. Poor Lil. The only good thing for her was finally wardrobe dressed her in black instead of unflattering white. And all four judges have to rub a jar of Morton's salt into the wound. By the time she got to Kara I think she got it. Meanwhile I think she is 100 times better than Fantasia was, but she cannot do anything right. Still, if I am playing the game, I would have picked, "Let's Hear it for the Boy."
And totally unrelated, 1984 was the release date for my favorite movie, Ghostbusters. Also the year that Thriller was released. God the 80's were so awesome!
Anoop, 1986:What He Sang: "True Colors"
What He Should Have Sung: "If You Leave" OMD
Don't worry Katie-Mr. Mister came in a very close second. Anoop was rocking the awesome lime green cardigan which once again I wish came in Preston size. One thing that bugged me is Anoop is an only child and stated he hates taking pictures now because his mom took a thousand pictures of him and only him while he was growing up. Poor Preston is doomed. I think he has like 3000 so far. Anoop sang really well, minus the cheesy lights that kept changing colors because he sang, "True Colors." I guess they were lucky he was not born in 1984 and singing "Purple Rain."
Scott, 1985: What He Sang: "The Search is Over"
What He Should Have Sung: "We Are the World."
I mean Scott is that wholesome. Paula must have been thrilled he played guitar and got away from the piano. I thought he did OK. I love the song. The song brings me back to the days of mix tapes. Fast forward to late late 80's into the early 90's. Taping songs off my pink (yes pink dammit) radio (so you hear that sound like a record being ripped off the turntable and half of the dj's introduction before each Chicago song). I would make mix tapes off the love song station. Power ballads were the way to go. Then I'd write in my diary or if my life was that dramatic that day, lie on my bed and cry to "Separate Lives." After all, life was hard as a teenager. And especially before iPods, computers, text messaging and caller ID or call waiting for that matter.
Alison, 1992: What She Sang: "I Can't Make you Love Me"
What She Should have Sung: "Damn, Wish I was Your Lover"
I think the same person who does wardrobe for America Ferrara on Ugly Betty dresses Alison. I abhor the song she picked even though she sings like a superstar. Her voice is just amazing. 1992 was the year of my first boyfriend. It was also the year of "Baby Got Back", "Smells Like Teen Spirit" and Wayne's World. Even Paula had a hit that year with "Blowing Kisses in the Wind." Oh the memories.
Matt, 1985: What He Sang: "Part Time Lover"
What I Would Have Also Liked Him to Do: "Sussuido" Phil Collins.
Matt was really amazing, but I think he would sing Phil proud too. Loving the JT hat as well.
I did not see Adam, but safe bet he will remain. So my pick to go home is Scott. Hope you enjoyed the trip down memory lane.
{Christmas 2023}
6 months ago
What? No Whitesnake? I love large parts of the 80's too - and I'm always amused listening to 80's nights on radio stations that have obviously gone out of their way to ignore anything that was actually popular in the 80's in favor of what should have been popular... And no, I refuse to acknowledge that I know anything about mix tapes...
I watched it! I watched it! It is so very exciting to know exactly what you are referring to! Of course, since it was my first viewing this season, I don't have much to base my opinion on. But Adam was awesome, and so was Alison. Love the 80's. I've already confessed my pre-occupation with Michael Jackson, so I think one of my other favorite 80's memories is the slap-wrap. How cool were you if you had a slap-wrap??
I love seeing your picks for what they should have sung! I agree with what you said about Lil, they always have an issue with what she picks. I did see Adam, and he did sing good. But I still just think he's too cocky and the show caters to him. Every time he sings, they have like special lights on him and stuff...but not so much with anyone else. That and the whole variety show thing...I mean what kind of record would he make?? And he did have to let out a couple screeches during his performance as well.
What's with "Anonymous"? That was rude.
The 80's were G R E A T!!!!! Pretty much everyone picked the wrong songs, in my opinion. The 80's were jammed packed with tons of great tunes. I'd have loved for someone to rock out with some Whitesnake, GNR, Skid Row, Poison, anything from the hair bands for that matter. Of course, I thought Adam rocked the house. Lil is going home, I think. Poor thing. You're right, she can't do a damn thing correct to please the judges. And for the record....I love Dan Fogelberg...may he rest in peace.
Oh Kim, I hope you don't let this coward deter you from further Idol recaps. I find them hilarious and always very entertaining (I just never comment because there is no way I can match your wit). I am a regular reader and would be so sad to see it go.
As for "anonymous," if he/she is such a fan and feels so strongly about this Dan Fogelberg, why didn't they put their name behind their comment? Nothing you said has any validity because you are basically a ghost.
First off, easy Dan Fogelberg fan. My sis put that in for me because we have a private joke about him that isn't offensive to his music or his person. I'm sure he has a wonderful catalogue but the joke is just that, a joke. Leaving a comment in caps is assaulting and not leaving a name is cowardly. This is a positive and silly BLOG and a negative comment can really hurt a person.
Now onto my comments:
Two good song choices for your year! I checked out 1982 to see if anything tickled my fancy (and there were many hot songs!) and I would sing, in honor of you, your favorite 80's song ever, Gloria (even though Olivia Newton John was topping the charts with Physical. It was a tough choice, I know).
Yeah I agree on Danny's pick, it was lame. Hungry Heart would have been MUCH better. I think you should consult for the Idols next year.
Hell yeah St. Elmo's Fire! Steve should have totally busted that out at Pher's wedding...wait a minute...since I bothered both you (wanting to sing Beyond The Sea) and Pher (wanting to belt out Come Sail Away) at your weddings, does this mean you will return the favor? What song are you picking? Will you dance on the table like I had planned?
May I please see the storage facility? You're right; they are way too harsh on Lil. I had her pegged for going last night but then I remembered there were only two girls left so that wouldn't make sense.
I liked how you researched all these years and the songs, Kim. Very nice. I like. Though I would say regardless if it was Kyrie or Broken Wings out that year, I would have preferred that over If You Leave because they hate it if he does something fast. I thought his True Colors was so controlled and beautiful.
I love Scott. I really do. I think if Steve wasn't in the picture, I would try to marry him...and Steve would too. He's just an amazingly positive person and I looked forward to him every week even though I knew he wasn't going to win or didn't have the best voice. For the first time ever, I cried last night during Idol. If Steve wasn't there I would have bawled. I just think the world needs more Scotts and it would be such a better place to live.
Allison blew that song away but your pick would have been damn good!
Matt...I just don't like Matt at all. Yuck.
Kim, great great post. I think you showed everyone how musical you are and how versatile your music selection really is. I'm marking this post down as one of my favorites because this has so much of your personality coming through and it makes me miss you even more. Whenever I hear a tune on the radio I will always want to discuss the lyrical quality or laugh about it with you. Not only are you a very talented musician, you understand every facet of a song.
PS- Steve hates the "mosh pit" too.
PPS- That love station was totally Walk Pillowtalk.
Umm..anonymous needs to get some balls and post their name if they feel so strongly about the subject. We aren't talking about politics...nor racial issues...please! I love your silly and entertaining recaps of Idol...please don't stop!
Another great post-I can't believed I actually chose to turn Adam off and then found out later that my DVR didn't catch it either-I mean seriously, it's 2009-can't the DVR do a simple thing like record an entire program.
ANyway, I can't believe you nailed it again-do you have the producers in your back pocket or what??? I was so sad to see him go. I really don't like pruple haired girl-at all.
I like Danny (course), and I really do like Adam for some weird reason....
I also like the all the guys left actually. I was SOOOO happy to see ole couldn't dance to save her life -Megan was it? She's so history.
Hey what about this new job?
ANd what about the mystery dufus who doesn't get your sense of humor-take some Xanax dude.
Hugs Kim!
I have loved Dan Fogelberg for the past 30 years as well. I think you are all ridiculous for criticizing Anonymous, maybe he doesn't have a blogger account.
The scope of Dan Fogelberg's music is so much bigger than those four songs you have heard on the radio, Longer, Leader of the Band, Same Old Lang Syne, Run for the Roses. These do not scratch the surface of his musical and lyrical genius. They are as Anonymous said, not my favorites. It seems that only a select group of us were born with ears to hear and open minds. Judging an artists entire library by what you hear on a commercial radio station is probably done by the same people who pull random quotes out of context to support their own f*cked up theories or arguments.
To Anonymous: Rejoice, there are plenty of us out there who know and love the depth of Dan's talent. He may be gone from this world, but he is still alive in me.
I love your recaps - they always make me laugh!!
I say "BLAH" to anonymous. Seriously, don't you think you're being a tad bit dramatic? Most people don't hear what's not played on the radio, because if they don't like it, THEY'RE NOT GOING TO BUY THE ALBUM! Kim, again very amusing and we all love you!
OMG! This is funny! How demamding some people are. This is a review, your PERSONAL opinion. Kim, even though I don't watch Idol and I am prob. not going to start, it is funny how people come out supporting thier celebs and claim to be their "Biggest fan". I think back to the post I did about Cheryl Burke and the "M" comment, my blog was bombarded by comments. Also, on a final note, since this is a "family friendly" blog, I am surprized the two comments didn't research what this blog is for and maybe could have used a better choice of words instead of dropping the F*bomb....really!
hahahaha omg dude that fogelberg guy needs to take a seat!!!
He's infiltrating harmless blogs to voice his staunch advocacy of Dan Fogelberg?! Get a LIFE, buddy!!!
We all know know the say, Everyone has the right to their opinion. Don't get discouraged. Music is art and the beauty is in the eye (or ear) of the beholder. We should delight in the fact we have so much variety. And after all it YOUR blog and YOU can share what you want. P.S. I grew up in the 80's and I don't even know this Dan F. Maybe that's a good thing?
i havent even been alive for 30 years so who the hell is dan fogelberg?!
Fogelberg is sweet - anonymous is an idiot. If it makes you feel any better, I saw the same thing happen on Tonya's blog back in the day when she knocked Cheryl Burke for using the "M" word... Oh well! Such is the life when you're out on the interwebs...
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