*Shout out to Marissa for picking up my mistake last week. Marissa informed me Robin Hood was released summer of '91 not '92.
So let's see tonight was disco night which I was dreading being that disco is not one of my fave genres. Let's put it this way-it does not make the preset station in my car. But before we get into tonight I have an observation which I have been confirming on the web-no Idol Gives Back show this year. (I think I just heard Bono faint). I must say I am totally disappointed. This was a great idea, a huge money maker and last time I checked Africa didn't become a budding metropolis and the kids in Appalachia still can't read so I am not quite sure the reason behind this one. Very very uncool Idol. Very uncool.
Second announcement: After the You Tube explosion of Susan Boyle, Shaheen and the dance group Flawless, I am stunned as to why an American network won't pick up Britain's Got Talent for this season. Just for those persons alone you would get through the roof ratings. Literally I get goosebumps listening to Ms. Boyle. If you have not seen any of these ads get over to You Tube immediately! (After reading my blog of course).
My Randy-ism tonight deals with fashion. What in the hell was Randy wearing? Seriously- a spray painted, fluorescent tee-shirt with fake graffiti? What is this 1988? Who are you -the Fresh friggin Prince? )You are all totally singing the theme song right now aren't you? I mean it was, in Simon's words-God Awful! It was as bad as those plastic ring clips that you would attach to your long t-shirt over leggings and slouch socks. Not to mention it looked like it had been through the wash quite a few times as it was clinging to Randy and Randy is no A-Rod body wise. I love my dog Randy but come on! (*Disclaimer-no offense to Will Smith either-the Banks family was a fab way to kick off Monday night sitcoms-right before Blossom).
The whole show was on fast forward-literally Ryan would quickly usher off the performers during their final note as to get the show over so Fringe didn't "infringe" on the 10 o' clock news. Here goes:
Lil-Well at least she was able to get the public humiliation out of the way immediately. I love Dia-loser's comment how she does not see Lil's true artist come through-the girl has been performing for seven weeks and tried seven times to appease you. Doesn't mean she is not an artist, you just don't like her. You knew it was bad when the comments started off with Randy sucking air through his teeth.
Kris-Loved him! Loved the Santana/Dave Matthews Band type performance. He did a great job but I cannot comment much further because this was the point in the show when I was struck with the reality of Randy's t-shirt so I was a little flummoxed for a bit.
Danny-Here is my problem with the 70's. It pretty much will all sound like karaoke. Pretty much every wedding band you ever see really showcases their 70's flavor. I mean everyone has their bridal party get introduced to "Celebrate." We all get down to "We are Family." That's why Danny I think did really well, because at least he showcased his voice a bit during the performance. And speaking of wedding bands, I did not notice Danny's tonight. Simon wanted him to do something more on stage. Not quite sure what he would like to see-back flips perhaps?
Alison-Awesome. She has such an amazing voice. The only thing not amazing were the leather control top pantyhose she was wearing. I hate pantyhose-you take it out-it is the size of doll pants. It is a true testament to acrobatics in my room when I have to get into pantyhose. It's a sight to see let me tell you. Forget it if it is control top-those are the size of a lima bean and somehow they are supposed to fit on my body. Moving on...Alison did a great job and her hair was styled cute!
Adam-I don't even know where to begin. The song sounded nice. Then he had his Axl Rose impression which just does not work. Paula cried which pissed me off. Then Adam did it-thanked the composer for the arrangement he supposedly wrote for Adam. I guess Adam did not get the memo that this was the seventh week of Idol, not the acceptance speeches at the Grammys. That is where I can't stand Adam. It's the cocky, obnoxious attitude. And I liked him all through the elimination rounds and then I don't know what happened. And to my friend Bobbi-you know I love you girl, but Taylor Hicks was also crowned the Idol once. And Sebastian Bach? No one can do "18 and Life" like Sebastian. And he was H-O-T! (O.k. so we totally agree on Skid Row).
Matt-I think Matt would like to morph into Justin Timberlake to the point I was waiting for T.I. or Ludacris to join him on stage for some fabulous duo. He was pretty awful-especially since he was saved. I like him voice, I think he is cool, but "Staying Alive" will not keep him alive this week.
Anoop-My Idol fashion plate. Rocking the pink sweater that I would do anything for in size 3T for Preston right now. Who else digs the Desai's? I think Anoop's parents are super cool. I really liked his take on Donna Summer. Everyone did Donna Summer proud tonight. I actually saw Donna Summer in concert at Jones Beach back in the day with my high school boyfriend. She rocked!
My picks are Lil and Matt for the ceremonial booting tomorrow. I think Anoop might hit bottom 3, but he should last at least one more week. Watch this go completely awry and Alison goes-sometimes that is just how it rolls on Idol.
{Christmas 2023}
6 months ago
Missed the show, but love your entertaining recap as always! Just have to mention...the Donohue girls had multiple t-shirt ring clips which we would then further embellish with - wait for it - Slick Paints. To coordinate with our double layer of slouch socks, of course. And love, love the pantyhose comments...it is similar to when I am attempting to put on a pair of jeans that are fresh from the dryer. Grace watched me endure that acrobatic feat for 5 minutes the other day, and said, "Whatcha doin, Mommy, your exercises?" Haha.
Wow...You've called me out twice now! Awesome! There's NO such thing as bad publicity, right? ☺
Ok...so we completely disagree about Adam. I can dig that. I just don't see where he's coming off as arrogant at all. I think when he thanks the person who helped with the song arrangement, it shows that he isn't taking all the credit. To ME, that shows merit. Maybe it's b/c I ♥ Adam and I have my blinders on. For the Adam haters, he'd be damned if he did or damned if he didn't. Some song I would LOVE to hear Adam sing would be, "I Remember You," or "18 and Life"--2 of the more well-known Skid Row songs (but if you're a SR fan, they have better songs under their belts than those). A Sebastian/Adam sing off would be great! You HAVE to agree to that, Kim.
Yeah, Taylor Hicks ran his celebrity course on Idol and that's it. He took off with a lead balloon tied to his ass. Adam is more modern and I believe we'll be seeing more of him post Idol, whether he wins or not.
Anoop looks great in pink. I thought Paula looked very pretty last night, too. Did Scott dress Randy last night??? JK
First time responder. (Sucking air between my teeth) You know what Kim, not your best piece of writing. I loved how you started off giving love and your shout out, you got a bit off track with the Britian's got Talent thing, but then you got back into and you were doing your thing, but somewhere around the time you used the word flummoxed you kind of fell apart. Your grammar went right out the window, you started misspelling words, and then you went of on pantyhose. Dog, you're my girl and all, but this wasn't my favorite, nah, you can do better. Definitely not your best.
(Snarky shit eating I think I'm better than everyone even though noone knows who I am grin on my face) Kim, I just don't know who you are as a blogger. I mean this is the seventh week of the competition and you still haven't shown us where you are coming from as a writer. I just want to see who you are, are you funny, are you serious, and you aren't showing that to me. BE YOURSELF
(Half drunk, still crying, pretty sure just realizing that I don't have a shot with Adam because I don't have a penis) Kim, you are wonderful. I love the enthusiam you bring to the blog week in an week out. You are like sooooooo talented and it reminds of a dog that hangs around with a lot of cats, and no one is sure what you are, are you a dog? are you a cat? I just wan to say you look great (Pause to throw up on the floor)
(Glaring at the retards next to me) Kim, your performance tonight reminded of a little kid telling jokes at an adult party.
(Crowd boos, Everyone being confused and aying things like, what are you even talking about) Let me explain, you were like a little kid whose parents are really proud of you and want to show you off, so at the cocktail party when everyone is drinking PIMS they bring you outand you tell some cute little joke and everyone laughs to make you feel good and be polite, but then you keep going and that's what this was tonight. Sorry
(Idol music plays, Ryan seacrest comes out from backstage zipping up his pants, audience catches a glimpse of Adam scurrying about in the dark) Alright blog readers, if you liked Kim's performance and you want to keep it around, let her know about it, vote 1-866-Idols-08 (Kim standing there initially holding up 7 fingers, realizes what was wrong, throws up another)
-Your brother And don't censor me, censorship is bad for America, unless you're some commie facist.
Ok Chris wind for the hands down funniest comment ever of the judges critiquing the blog! You are funny little bro. Of course as usual you crossed the line-but I am looking forward to Katie's take on your comment.
I also enjoyed that Chris. You are a funny one!
Missed it this week :( ! Hubby forgot to hit record.... grrr... As always though I enjoyed reading your always hilarious take on it!
I love how they keep saying "This is the most groundbreaking, shocking American Idol ever" ... every week
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