First I would like to congratulate Renay on the birth of Griffin-her fourth baby boy! He is adorable and Renay is one of my most faithful Idol blog readers. Love and health to you all!
Well the rumors are starting that Simon and Paula will not be back to Idol next year which means yours truly will not be watching. Idol without Simon is kind of like Grey's without Patrick Dempsey, the Yankees without Jeter, my ex husband without child support debt, me without my Black Berry-you know unrealistic things.
In any event we had Big Band night which I was pumped for-I mean the band alone on the stage was so exciting. Then we have to find out who the mystery mentor is for the week. It was a safe bet Frank Sinatra was not going to be exhumed, so my mother and I started pondering-Tony Bennett? I have gotten other suggestions via Facebook like Harry Connick Jr. Michael Buble. So we have all the remaining Idols conveniently perched around the piano singing while Matt's playing, (not staged at all of course) and the background music starts. The limo pulls up like they do on The Bachelor (and for a second I expect Chris Harrison to open the door). And then the mystery person emerges. The dead last person I ever expected to walk out of the limo was Jamie Foxx. Because as my Facebook status stated, when I think Big Band, the first name that pops into mind is Jamie Foxx. Ok, so he was good in Ray, he sang a mean backup on "Gold Digger," but musical and lyrical genius...of the Big Band era??? I mean is Idol having problems booking guests? Their choice irked me throughout the remainder of the show. Then again according to Cat she believes "Blame It" will remain in the musical annuls for many generations to come. (And this is why Cat and I totally need to hang out).
Kris-He sang "The Way you Look Tonight." Played at every wedding in America. He sang it decent. I was kind of bored, started checking my beloved Black Berry for messages. He got a little edgy at the end. Then the judges all gave him stellar comments minus Simon who managed to take Chris's high and crush it like a bug on the windshield of my car going 70 mph. And did someone forget to give DiaGuardi the memo that this was Big band era night not dress in your pole dance outfit night? What was with the tight, spandex neon blue dress?
Alison-So her hair was darker and she looked beautiful. She sang "Someone to Watch Over Me." She sang it well but I was still kind of bored. Randy-ism of the night was "mad young" which translates into not old-under twenty. It was Alison's birthday this week and she said the best surprise was she walked into a room and her whole family was there. Um...because she is 17 isn't her family always there? I mean isn't that part of the deal?
Matt-Randy threw him the "pitchy" comment. I thought he did "My Funny Valentine" very well. DiaGuardi steamrolled him only to have Paula take her comment 180 degrees and praise him. I thought he did a great job.
Danny-Oh Danny Boy. What can be said? I love him. He is so cute! The only thing I hated was DiaGuardi's mention of the word "swagger." Is it just me or is this the word of the month lately? I cannot turn on a radio station without every song having the word swagger in the title. I so see the finish line for Danny.
Adam-Where do I begin. Bobbi you'd better stop reading. First off why does Adam get to make and entrance and everyone else just walks out from backstage? Once on Inside Edition Simon told Ryan he thinks of Grease when Ryan comes down the stairs. Didn't Adam coming down in that white suit make you also think "Beauty School Dropout?" I thought he sang the song with a Satanic edge-a little scary. My friend Jolie informed me he was already on Broadway at one point so I think he should be disqualified and go back to Broadway.
So after the nationwide vote tonight (of 468 million votes-my mother pointed that out-every week there are five million more votes than the week prior), I hate to see it but I think it's going to be Matt and Alison in the bottom two with Matt going home. I am having a hard time picking but we all know it's Adam and Danny in the finals.
{Christmas 2023}
7 months ago