Three days prior to Christmas Preston fell at daycare at bumped right below his left eyebrow. So this will be the Christmas that was marked with the many colors of Preston's eye. In some pics he looks like Adam Lambert, but it's not make up-just a shiner. Of course I carried on about it endlessly because of the pictures and secondly I hate taking my child out in public with any facial wound because I feel the need to explain to EVERYONE what happened.
As you will see Preston did EXTREMELY well from Grandma and PaPa, his aunts and uncles and "Santa." It is sad to me because he really understood this year and I feel that they stop believing so quickly so these Christmases are so special. We had a great time, the family room looked as if a mall threw up and now my favorite part---after Christmas sales. LOL! Preston is loving his new bike and only the seat needed to be lowered. We also scored a helmet today so tomorrow we can take the bike outside. I am impressed at how quickly he picked up the concept of riding a bike as he has been doing laps around the house. I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!
{Christmas 2023}
6 months ago
OMG....that is a vile amount of gifts! So glad that you all had a wonderful Christmas! I agree, it is so sad that the magic of Santa is lost so quickly... Plus, I can't really even tell that Preston's eye is injured, except that it's a little squinty!
What great pictures :) Your home up there is so beautiful!! And I know what you mean about feeling like time will go so fast...This was the first year all 3 girls "got it", and I wonder how many more of those I will get! Can't wait to see you guys!
Wow! Looks like you all had a wonderful Christmas! Preston must have needed a nap after opening all those gifts-my goodness! Happy New Year. :)
Yeah for Preston totally scoring at Christmas! :o) Love the bike, can't wait to see pics of him outside riding it! And I hear you on the whole Santa thing, Kylie starts Kindy next year so I figure we have maybe 3 or 4 more "believing" years left to us.
Love the Gingerbread house and all of the pictures! I can't wait to see him on the bike outside! I agree the believing phase goes so fast. Rumor has it some kids stop by 1st grade and that's TOO scary! I'm hoping we have at least a few more years. He looks so grown up too - with his hair now!
WOW - Preston must have gotten a workout on Christmas with all of the unwrapping and playing! :) Cool bike - can't wait to see pictures of Preston riding it! His gingerbread house looks yummy!
Love the slideshow!! It looks like you guys had a wonderful and beautiful Christmas! Preston looks so excited in the pictures - I just want to hug him! It is such a special time when kids believe in Santa and the magic of Christmas! I felt like a kid on Christmas morning with all of Simon's excitement!
I think that it is impossible to be that good all year long to get a delivery of presents like that. All I know is I wouldn't be able to move through my living room. Looks like everyone had a wonderful Christmas! It's all worth it to see the smiles on our childrens faces. Your right, ages 4,5,and 6 are about the best times for Christmas. Definitly cherish them.
good LORD that is SOME mountain of presents!!!! Can i join the Raab family if I'm guaranteed that level of gift-receiving? and "haha" to the Adam Lambert comment. You kill me, kim. My love to the whole raab fam!!!!
What a beautiful Christmas! You guys are such a fantastic family and its so evident how you love and enjoy each other so much! Love all the great pictures...can't even tell that Pres has a shiner!! Seamus got a nice big gash on his chin from a fall in the parking lot...just in time for the holidays! Gotta love our boys :-) Happy New Year to the Raab clan!
Merry Christmas Kim! I just love looking at kids expressions on their faces when they open their presents, especially Prestons. Love his new bike. I was going to look into having a custom bike made for Aidan but I may rethink that and just look at the 12" bikes at Target,etc. I was thinking that adjustments would be needed in the handlebar area too.
Yep, you are right ... the slide show is too fast. I had to stop it to look at all of those presents! Preston is one Well LOVED boy :0) and writing the letter to Santa, too cute! I love his snowman hat!
Bummer about the black eye! I know I would have carried on about it for the same reason ... not the pictures!
Your calendar rocks! I need that one!
You need to post a video of Preston riding on his bike!
wow! Lokks like you all had a wonderful Christmas! Especially Preston! Holy cow cant believe all of those gifts! Seriously had to take all day to open them! Hope you guys have a great new years!
Holy crow! It really does look like the mall threw up in your living room! Haha! I love it! The picture of you and Preston with his snowman hat on by the fire pit is just perfect! You got so many great pictures! Poor Pres with a nice new shiner for Christmas! I hope it clears up quick! Haha! I think I need that book you got "Getting In Touch With Your Inner Bitch" Hilarious!!! Merry Christmas and Happy 2010!!!!!
Love all of your pics. It looks like you all had a wonderful time...and I bet it took hours to open all those pressies. Wild. Glad your Christmas was wonderful Kim and I wish for you, Pres and your family a wonderful and happy new year. xo
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