Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Lot to Catch up On!

I am so happy you all enjoyed Preston’s concert. I have not updated on what has been going on around here. The past two days I have tried again to figure out Facebook’s new layout (dammit can’t they leave well enough alone) and change the 250 friend option to like 5000 so this way I can read the status updates of everyone.  I love how Facebook has taken the liberty to try to choose who I would like to read about and even suggested that I should write on my mom’s wall to “reconnect” with her.  I was sitting in the library-she was in the den.  Pretty sure if I needed to reconnect I could just say “Mom!” The only good thing is blocking Mafia Wars and Farmville.  No offense, but I don’t have pink elephants to give.  (And you guys all know there are no such thing as a pink elephant and even if there was a pink elephant it would not go on a farm). I digress.  Last weekend was so damn cold for October.  But Preston insisted on going out to fetch the paper:


We had to run into Pier 1 and Preston thought this mask was cool:


Sunday was another blustery, miserable day, so we drove into Richmond to take Preston to Bottoms Up Pizza.  It was one of the first restaurants Preston ever went to in Richmond.  It is located right next to the train trestles so you can imagine the excitement.


Friday we went to Hopkins for his annual appointment with Dr. Ain.  We spent about ten minutes talking New York sports with Dr. Ain first (he is from Long Island and a big Yanks fan too).  Preston was told he looks like “a million bucks.”  Then it was up to Dr. Tunkel in the ENT department.  Preston needs a new set of tubes as the right one finally has fallen out after almost two years and a sleep study.  This aggravates me because the tonsils are huge and need to come out and now I have to do a sleep study which should be miserable with an almost four year old.  But we will try to get this done within a few weeks so I can schedule the surgery hopefully right after the holidays.  I really am concerned about the tube because there is fluid already in the ear and I cannot deal with ear infections and the rounds of antibiotics.  I may ask Tunkel if we can go ahead and get the tubes here in VA.  The anesthesia for tubes will not affect his neck.  I’d like to get that done ASAP.  Here is Preston before taking off for Baltimore:



In his gown after x-rays with Dr. Ain’s team:


Waiting for Dr. Tunkel:


Yesterday was his fall festival at school.  I would post more about it but it will have to wait mid week as the Yankees and Giants are playing in five minutes.  Hope everyone had a great weekend!


Andrea said...

What a trooper he is!! He makes going to the Dr. look like fun!!

Danielle said...

So cute! I'm glad he had a good checkup with Dr. Ain. I'm anxious to see what he says about Pey when we go...we see some bowing starting, more in one leg than the other, so it will be interesting! I love him in his gown after his x-rays - that kid is just too cute to handle! Hope your NY sports go well!

Mandy said...

He is so Cute! Glad that your appointment went well with Dr. Ain. We really need to make an appointment for Andrea to see Dr. Pauli cause going to see Dr. Bober is just to far of a trip for us. Ugh! Thanks for the reminder.

Unknown said...

The pictures are to die for! I LOVE the sweater vest. So glad to hear that he rocked his visit with Dr. Ain. Hopefully the sleep study will go him pictures of how crazy Seamus looked with all those wires, and maybe he will think it is funny! That mask is hilarious too! I hope you guys were able to view the videos, we recorded those after seeing the Preston music videos. Plese the heck do I block Farmville???

The Wymers said...

Glad to hear his appointment with Dr. Ain went well. Bummer on the tube/sleep study thing, hopefully you guys can get it all sorted through quickly and the little man doesn't fight you too much (sending good karma your way). Love the sweater vest, now I'm thinking I've been taking Nik to the doctors a little underdressed with her jeans, vans, and Roxy tee! :o)

marrah said...

I have caught up on my blog reading--first, let me comment on the Back Eyes Peas-too cure..then on this round of photos-seriously-adorable-can't take it...miss you both so much!!!

Destini said...

I'd go for the tubes in VA as well. Actually, when we talked about Tonsils and Adnoids with Dr. Tunkel, he said if we were comfortable with our local ENT (and we are) then to do them locally as well, it is good to be close to the hospital in case of bleeding with the tonsils. Trace's tubes have fallen out too, but he doesn't have any fluid, so we are waiting to see. Adorable sweater vest!

Unknown said...

Those were great shots of Preston! I'm with you and would hope to get the tubes in earlier than waiting for the T&A. Glad to hear all else is fab with Preston.

mel said...

How is it possible that he gets cuter every day! I love the picture of him bringing up the paper. Maybe he will be a newspaper deliveryman as his first job. he will likely be working before Matt ever gets a job again.
I cant wait to see you guys in a few weeks!

Melissa Swartley said...

I know, seriously, can FB just knock it off already and leave it be! It seems like just as I am getting used to their newest layout they roll something else out! Geez! I did not know about that status update thing though, so thanks for the heads up... now I have to figure it out and remedy the situation! Could Preston be any cuter in those pic's?! Bummer about needing a sleep study, they are anything but fun that's for sure! We are just missing you at Dr. Ain's! We will be there on November 10th for Sonya's biannual check! Looks like Preston is the perfect patient with his sweet smile and all! Good luck with his tubes!

Susan said...

Gosh, he's just so stinkin' ADORABLE!! Love the vest too, but I gotta tell you, the mask was the bomb. It had me laughing out loud!! Good luck with the sleep study and the tubes.

Anthea said...

I lurve that mask! I am not sure if I missed something - but why does Pres need a sleep study? Is he having trouble with the breathing cause of the tonsils??? I am confused (trust me it doesn't take much these days!) Loving the pictures of Preston - but gee - I think I tell you that everytime I visit! Take care and hugs...xox

Greene Family said...

I'm so glad that Preston's appointment with Dr. Ain went so well! Bummer about the tubes and sleep study though. I would do the same and get the tubes sooner than later. Good luck with the sleep study! We've been fortunate in that Simon has not had to have one. Double bummer that we just missed you by a couple of days at Hopkins!
Love the pictures! Preston is so stinkin cute!! I love the picture of him before leaving for Baltimore and the one with the cool mask!
I'm with ya on the ever changing Facebook layout - so annoying!

Tiffany said...

Sweet little guy! He always looks so happy and sweet. I say "looks" because if he's like my little monsters, it's all show for the camera! ;) Sorry I've been such a slacker....I havent' stopped reading, promise!

Tinka said...

Awww his gown. Cuuuute.

I think the whole "I not!" conversation was hilarious!