Here is the hottest new spokesperson for men's undergarments....
If Preston is completely embarrassed ten years from now he can blame his godmother who begged me to show her Preston in undies. I have to also get him in his hot Thomas briefs in full achon leg glory. Bite-able!
So I decided to post tonight since both House and Gossip Girl are repeats because the President is talking. Seriously the President needs to speak on like Fridays when TV is not in its prime for the week. I mean really. This weekend was also the first warm weekend since November. Needless to say I immediately pulled out the flip flops! So exciting! It was also time to drag Preston out to ride his scooter up and down the street. You know work off that holiday pound he gained. He had a blast with all the neighborhood kids who are all about 2-5 years older than him! 
Please do not judge me that his Crocs don't match the outfit-he refused the blue. A fashion faux pas and so unlike Preston. Later that day he had a slight "accident" while my dad was watching him and my father let him pick out new pants-gray fleece pants! Didn't even argue with the kid. And let him out in public! THE HORROR! Preston was not on his A game. (Hee hee). Anyway have a great week everyone.
So I decided to post tonight since both House and Gossip Girl are repeats because the President is talking. Seriously the President needs to speak on like Fridays when TV is not in its prime for the week. I mean really. This weekend was also the first warm weekend since November. Needless to say I immediately pulled out the flip flops! So exciting! It was also time to drag Preston out to ride his scooter up and down the street. You know work off that holiday pound he gained. He had a blast with all the neighborhood kids who are all about 2-5 years older than him!
One thing Preston does not seem to want to do is look both ways while crossing the road. Not that our street is at all busy, but I was trying to teach him, upon getting to the Stop sign, we look and then cross. Instead Preston rides the same way senior citizens drive-that is, stop signs are optional and he is crossing the street regardless of what is coming at him perpendicularly. He was reprimanded quite loudly! Here are a couple of pics on his bike. One was from last week on Super Bowl where he is donning his jersey from last year's Super Bowl-or as I like to remember it "The Stompin' Out of Brady and the Pats." This jersey was bought by Uncle Chris who went to the Super Bowl last year-lucky bastard.
I would never judge you for allowing Preston to make such a fashion faux! When you read my next post you will understand why. Love the underwear pic!
Haha! My Akela is a little fashion faux pas mess! She has to wear a blue hair bow with every outfit, even if it doesn't match! So the crocs not being blue, no biggie! He's so cute it doesn't matter what he's wearing! Love the underpants pic!!!
we don't judge. We just smile and He is so cute! I can't wait to get him and cole together one watch out!!
forget the crocs...Preston is way too cute for me to even notice the non-matching crocs!!!
Looks like he is enjoying his bike!
Love the boxer-briefs. Daniel has a pair with trucks on it that he would wear everyday of the week if I let him. It looks like Preston is blushing in the picture. LOL.
So cute with his bike!
I love seeing Preston pictures, so huggably cute. Like we noticed that non matching crocs. I agree the legs are so dang cute you want to bite them. Aidan has the Thomas briefs...I haven't seen the hot sports undergarment he is modeling in...where did you get those?
You know I am right there with you on the fashion faux pas. Devon is pretty much trained to know which socks, pants, tops and hairbows all are permitted to be worn together! My dad though? He would totally let the kids pick out their own clothes. Yikes! Lovin' those boxer briefs, Pres! I am so tempted to post an undies shot now!
We love our Preston pics. He's so friggen cute! I love this kid and I've never even met him :)You are always so hilarious in your post. I really hope that one day the boys get to play together. I really think they would hit it off!!
Peyton has officially seen Preston in his underwear. She was quite excited! He is just too cute on his scooter! I don't know if Peyton will be able to handle the Thomas might be too much cuteness!
Ellie has many fashion faux pas...all I can do is sit back and smile (I've learned it's easier just to roll with the punches than to make a mountain outta a molehill, although I cringe at some of her 'masterpiece' outfits). Preston is such a cutie. Glad he was able to get out an enjoy this unseasonably warm weather. Love the pics! Ever been asked about an arranged marriage for Preston? ;) If you ever bring Preston to Indiana to meet Peyton...lets' hook up!
He didn't put on the Giants Crocs? They would match.
Maybe you can scare Preston into looking both ways like mom did to me about crossing train tracks. She told me that a family driving in a stay wag went over the tracks even though the gates were down and a train ran them over turning them into pancakes. For years I had a mental image of Aunt Jemima pancakes with faces on them driving a car, I swear.
So the boxer briefs aren't too long for the legs - good to know - I passed on them this weekend and got Cars and Spiderman and Friends undies for Trace. Preston is too cute! Where did you get that scooter again? Trace must have one!
I think Preston needs a few more books :0) Love his unders! As far as the not matching .... Clearly I cannot tell from the pictures that he doesn't match! Your comments about the president and the stop sign crack me up!
lol - you crack me up. As for the fashion faux pas - if you check Tori down at the river in my blog -you WILL notice that I am hardly the one to pass judgement!! As for the crossing the road...hmmm...bit of a worry. With Matthew, I just kept singing the "look to the left, look to the right, look to the left again" song . Of course I had to sing it a billion times (slight exageration) and change the words around when living in Cananda, but now at 9 - he can finally cross the road all by himself. Good luck with it! Oh and speaking of episode on here in 8 minutes...better go!
All I have to say is ADORABLE!!!
Love Preston photos - he is so darn cute, no matter what he is wearing! I love his undies photo and his scooter is so cool (I keep telling my hubby that we have to get Simon one for his birthday this summer)! You crack me up - definitely agree with you on the president interrupting prime time tv!
I need to come up with a new way to say that Preston pics are adorable, because I keep having to say it every time you post new ones! Love it! BTW - who cares what time stuff is on TV - I never see anything until it's been marinating on DVR for a week anyway! LOL
I can't believe how cute he is in those big boy undies! You can tell he knows he looks good. Glad to see that he is doing well!
I can't believe how cute he is in those big boy undies! You can tell he knows he looks good. Glad to see that he is doing well!
Owen and Preston will hve to be co-sponsors-Owen can do the briefs and Preston the boxers (referring to my post recently where I abuse my poor boy wearing his new Elmo undies:-).
I am SOOOOO ready to hear your commentary of AI...would you pretty please do a preseason (sort-of) post on your opinions of the contestants and judges his far-I mean, come on-Hollywood week is over and it's close to the final 30something;-) PPPLLLEEEAASSSEEE????
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