But we did have a blast together and I love this kid to pieces. Yesterday we went to the park and we were going to feed the ducks. Problem was there were also scary Canadian geese and even scarier gross looking seagulls. I have a serious fear when it comes to birds, so we did not feed the ducks, we observed them with Preston telling the very loud duck to, "Be quiet and no more quacking." We also hit up the playground for a bit but it was very chilly. Lunch was at Five Guys. We went to Barnes & Noble to read stories and Preston spent the last few bucks of his birthday gift card from Aunt Pat on Charlotte's Web. Loves the movie and they do the death of the spider quite tastefully. She kind of closes her eyes. I don't think he gets that Charlotte bought the farm (no pun intended). He just thinks all the animals talking is hysterical. Today we went to Super Wal Mart, then we played outside again. Preston loves exploring and calls a section of my parents' backyard his cave-which is really a spot between two dead bushes.
We had a few tears at daycare drop offs this week once my mother left. The teachers and I think it's because he saw my mom leave and is afraid I'm leaving too. He has been surgically attached to me this whole weekend-I get about two minutes to take a shower before interruption and I have to sneak off to use the loo-so I need my mom so I can actually shave my legs again. Although isn't it all worth it when he says: "Hey Mom? I like you." Well gee, Pres Pres I like you a lot too!

We had a few tears at daycare drop offs this week once my mother left. The teachers and I think it's because he saw my mom leave and is afraid I'm leaving too. He has been surgically attached to me this whole weekend-I get about two minutes to take a shower before interruption and I have to sneak off to use the loo-so I need my mom so I can actually shave my legs again. Although isn't it all worth it when he says: "Hey Mom? I like you." Well gee, Pres Pres I like you a lot too!
I'm sitting in our quiet hotel room and laughing at your adorable boy! I love that he told the ducks to be quiet! hysterical. And Peyton is quite good at the achon squat as well...and she amazes all with the old get up without bending knees thing. Too cute!
I'm glad your mom will be back soon! It's great that you are so close to her...moms are awesome!
We haven't seen the Charlottes web movie...I think my girls would like it! And I love the pic of Preston on the swing in his hat...such a cutie!
Haha! Love the crouch! Evan does that too!
OMG...this is too funny...I knew from Katie's FB that your mom was in NY, and I was going to write you tonight and see if you were okay in that big house all alone! I think no matter how many times you are on your own...it's always better when Mom is around. I honestly feel like a better parent because my mom is with us so much, and I emulate her. It's awesome that you guys get to spend so much time with her - here's hoping Tuesday morning comes quickly!
Dont worry Kim, your not the only one that gets freaked out being home alone! I hate it! & we have a big old house that makes lots of noises! & we have 2 dogs to "protect" me! sometimes if i go downstairs in the middle of the nite & find myself running back upstairs as fast as i can then jumping into bed & whipping the covers up over me! like i'm 8 yrs old! Hope the next 2 days go by fast for you! Love Preston's hat! Ethan has one he calls it his dork hat! lol
I love it when my mom is in town! I wish she could come more often!
Do you ever wonder how we got such adorable kids?! Preston is too cute in each picture - I love the one of him holding the bread bag!
You are tooooo funny with your bird fear :0) I am always afraid of the Seaguls pooping on me ... my brother had that happen to him as a kid -grose!
What is is it about being home alone. Dan will leave for a night and I seem to hear EVERY noise. Like he is such a protector - whatever - if a badman got in the house when he was home I'm not sure what Dan would do. It's not like we have guns in our house. I know you will meet a new group of friends in Virgina soon enough .... and hopefully that single doc too :0)
Have a good week .... Mom will be back before you know it!
I love the picture of Pres on the swing. You really capture some great pictures of him. He is a total hat boy. I can hardly get Aidan to wear a hat. I just die looking at the expressions on peoples faces when they see some of the achon moves Aidan does.
Your pictures are so cute!! Well, Preston is so cute! It's so nice you are so close to your mom and family. I know how important that can be. I am a big scardy cat so I feel for you with the big house and noises :) Again- Preston is such a handsome little guy!!!
I love all of the Preston pictures, but especially the one of him on the swing! He is just too cute!! I wish I could get Simon to wear hats more often or for longer than a couple of minutes.
It is great that you are so close to your mom and the rest of your family, and I hope tomorrow comes quickly for you! I'm sure your mom will be thrilled to see you both again too!
How sweet when Preston tells you "Hey Mom? I like you." He must get a lot of hugs and kisses in a day! :) It sounds like you two had a fun weekend together, even though you both miss your mom.
How nice that the lady in the grocery store noticed Preston's amazing tricks and super cuteness! Who couldn't notice all of that cuteness though!
Oh, on my blog today, I there is a link back to Simon's first haircut and there are crying pictures on there. :)
Oh, Preston! You are too funny telling those ducks to be quiet! I have to agree Kim, those Canadian geese are not too nice! Akela once got chased by one! Down right scary! I love all the pictures of your little cutie pie! Hopefully you'll have your mom home soon so you can have a relaxing shower and get to shave more than just half your leg! Haha! I totally know how that can be! My hubby works crazy hours so I usually have to get up before everyone (6am) to accomplish this! Give adorable Preston hugs for us!
What a sweet post! I can't wait to hear that Cole "likes me." hehe It is quite a skill these kids posess. It just amazes me when he can squat and not have the booty on the ground. It just kills my knees to watch him. Pres Pres is just so darn squeezable!! Seriously, I could eat that kid for lunch! I can't wait to hear his little voice in person one day :)
More wonderful photos of young Preston! I love how people react to the "achon" tricks too. You may be surprised that he may be able to do the "standing trick" for awhile. At 4 1/2, Liz still can stand without using her hands. Very cool tricks these kids have!
In case you haven't heard it enough, Preston is so stinkin' cute! He is going to be such a heartbreaker!
Isn't it nice to hear those positive comments from strangers?! I always get the "What's wrong with her?" So irritating!
Enjoy having your mom back home! Mine is about to leave on vacation. I don't live with her, but I will still miss her like crazy!
Sorry that you are missing your mom. Praying that she makes it back home safely.
Love all of the tricks that our kids can do.
I have a Candian Goose LIVING with me who can be a bit scary sometimes too!!! (LOL)
Ray is home with the kids alone all this week as I am away on a course :( and I kinda hope they miss me like you are missing your mom! I know I am missing them!
So nice to know us moms are missed!Of course Cat never gets a chance to miss me because I never go away! Preston is a seriously cute boy!
Don't forget Steve being there for plane rides!
I laughed about you pretending everything that's mom's is yours. Very funny.
Preston is so talented; you have to get him into Little League and push him to be a catcher. He'll be awesome at that position! Hopefully he won't be ungrateful like Pher if you get him catcher gear for his birthday.
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