Last year I started the blog at the Top 12. I have been getting some nudging to start a tad earlier (ahem-Katie, Renay, Mom). So here we go America. The first twelve in the top 36 competed tonight. Now of course we have had some changes this year-the addition of a fourth judge. I'm saying it-don't like it. Didn't like it when I first heard the grumblings last year, don't like it now. Here is my problem. Kara is like Paula without the happy pills slipped into the Coke. She doesn't really have a role or a purpose. Randy is the "dawg" the one that calls the women dudes and tells the guys they "can blow" (I mean really) and wears watches that are as big as the clocks Flava Flav used to don around his neck, Paula is Paula and Simon is our voice-Simon says what we are thinking. So really I don't understand where Kara is supposed to fit into this whole shebang. Not to mention that after seven seasons without her there has never been a nosedive in the ratings. I mean how would America handle a resurgence of Dunkelman?
One thing I am trying to decode this season is what Randy really means. See when Randy says, "Interesting song choice," he really means-"Mother of everything holy and good what in the hell were you thinking picking that one?" Each week I will try to find a new "Randy-ism."
Here is a quick rundown of who we saw tonight:
Jackie-WTF on the outfit. I mean really-the Lance Armstrong spandex, the polka dot tube top, the awful bubble gum machine guitar charm. And I now cannot get "A Little Less Conversation" out of my head.
Ricky-How bad did you feel for this guy? It's bad enough you have to have your parents sitting in the awful red shrine to Coca Cola, but then to wear those ridiculous Braddy Bunch tee-shirts? Hope they are not putting in any more orders on those shirts because the only order they should be putting in right now is to Jet Blue to go home. Nice voice but truly not star material.
Alexis-I think she will go through. Love he little pink wings, her adorable little girl and her voice. She reminds me looks wise of Nikki McKibbin from Season 1. And was it just me or did her dad look like a bloated version of Meatloaf? (Great now I have that bad Meatloaf song in my head, "Two out of Three Ain't Bad." Which by the way is one of the most demeaning songs ever written-"I want you, I need you but their ain't no way I'm ever gonna love you." Did someone ever hand Meatloaf a mirror? Does he believe he is such a prize that women would give it all to him even without the love? He may want and need but there probably ain't no way he is ever going to get anything anyway. Dude you ain't Derek Jeter here. Pompous, pompous Meatloaf). Moving on....
Brent-Nice looking country guy-I totally could have done without the laser light show in the background. It reminded me of the background in my 8th grade portraits except instead of orange, the lasers were pink and blue. But I mean after all it was 1991 for Heaven's sake and a tad more forgivable. This guy also depressed me because he is married to a bizarro looking Erica Hahn (think Grey's) with a bad perm. So depressing since I still have not found a boyfriend. (I did however score a GREAT new job this before men....)
Stevie-Listening to Stevie sing I thought to myself-I am confident that I sing better in my car when I pretend to be the next American Idol. Stevie-Bah Bye.
Anoop-Ok so channeling one of my favorite movies, Old School, I have decided that my nickname for him is "Anoop....Anoop-a-loop." I mean come on when he first walked into auditions you totally thought he was going to bust out singing like Apu from The Simpsons. And then he sang and you were like dumbfounded. If he returns though, an eyebrow wax may be needed but he is darn good! I mean he sang Bobby Brown. They hate when you sing Whitney, but by all means bust out with her husband's joints.
Casey-Every little note she sang was tragic. (And BTW-I totally thought of that joke while she was singing and Randy ripped it from me)! Poor Sting is at home still horrified over that performance and wondering if he was drunk when he signed over the rights to the song to Idol. She is so cute too-needs a little more weight on her though. She has like a Preston sized noggin on that little petite body. And one thing I just cannot deal with is the fake hugging from all the other contestants after she was ripped a new one. Let's be real people. It's like if there was a winning lottery ticket and you could either win the office pool or win on your own you know you don't want to share with the office. I understand once you are in the Top 12 or 10 and you become good friends and roomies and all, but now-please you barely know each other's names. This is also a good time to remind everyone how useless Kara is. Now we have to sit through three people sugar coating things to get to Simon who bluntly tells you that you suck.
Michael-I like this dude. He works on an oil rig and I am obsessed with the price of oil barrels daily. I thought his Gavin DeGraw song choice was horrible partly because I utterly hate that song to the point pencils in my eyes seem like a better way to spend three minutes and partly because I like him singing more blues-y also. I love the new word the judges have too-"likeability." Kind of like Budweiser's Drinkability but a little more wholesome.
AnnMarie-Not too good, but man does she have awesome Pantene hair or what?
Stephen-Ok I have an issue with Stephen. My issue is this-it was specifically stated in Hollywood week that if you did not remember the lyrics you are out. Gone. Done. Finished. You won' even cut it on Wayne Brady's show. Not only does Stephen forget the lyrics, he walks off the stage and does not even perform! I also love how all the contestants were singing along with the music-just in case he forgot the words he could look up to his fellow mates. He was awful.
Tatiana-I don't even have words. What I think happened is she watched herself on television and wanted to die. See this is why cameras are not in college bars. Because if the drunk chick after doing the walk of shame was forced to watch herself on camera she would probably never go out again and hang out in those weird coffee shops with the emo guitar player in the patched corduroy jacket instead of slutting-it-up doing dollar lemon shots the next Thursday night. She looked like she just did not want to ever step foot on the Idol stage again.
Last but not least my FAVORITE-Danny. I may love him more than I loved Michael Johns. I feel like he has this competition locked. He is so sincere and so nice and I love his best friend with the face jewelry too. Go Danny!
All right folks my picks are Danny, Alexis and Anoop. Michael may be the competition for Anoop. We shall see!
{Christmas 2023}
6 months ago
I heart Danny, too, but I'm you can have him. But he's my "from the beginning" favorite!!
Stellar actually reminded me of things I forgot.
I finally cuaght the RD Jr reference in Danny-I referred to him as the widower dude.
I think your picks were right on. Anoop needs some hair gel and the brow waxing but seriously, if they haven't done it et, they may not...kinda like what's his names gray hair (remember seasons back-Taylor or something).
I'm surprised you didn't comment on Kara's word choice-what is it she kept saying-man I let it go thinking you'd hone in on it. Rifty or something like that-anyway, I've never heard the others use that one but boy was pitchy back with a vengance;-)
How bout Paula's 2 hypenated words for ya- sold-out auditoriums;-) That was priceless.
As for Simon, I wonder if his eyes hurt after a show because he rolls thm sooo stinkin' much.
I was surprised with the awful song choices-few artists that I would pay to see (if I was the concert going type) based on tonights perfs. I also was dissapointed that a ouple contestants I had NEVER seen-I know it's got to be edited but com on...Tatiana sure got her fair share of air time and she will be in the bottom 2 for votes.
Lastly, I am not pleased with how they pick 3 groups and then take a top girl and guy...I mean, come on-what if only guys (or girls) or really good. Why the equal rights crap?
Kim, thanks for posting starting from rock. Can't wait for next week...can you believe it's 3 weeks of this top 36 crap?
Hugs, R
Loved this write up Kim! I was cracking up b/c I'm right with you on everything, right down to Anoop needing an eye brow wax. - I especially enjoyed your Tatiana analogy. I couldn't figure out for the life of me what happened last night. What you wrote makes total sense, although I have to admit I was waiting for her to totally flip at any second. Danny all the way!!!
- Kim Golat
LOL at Jackie's outfit. Were the first 3 judges being sarcastic when they complemented it? It was hideous!
I said the same thing to Keith about Tatiana...she saw herself on TV and was like "holy shit that's what I act like?" It was funny to watch...the judges complained when she acted like that and complained when she stopped. I love you commentaries and am so glad you started early! :)
Bwahahaha...I didn't even watch it and I am cracking up! Okay now I have to go find it online so I too can ponder over Lance spandex and eyebrow waxing. Love it.
Kim....I LOVE THIS BLOG!!! I'm right there with you with what you've said so far. Danny has been my pick from the 1st time his face was shown on Idol. His story broke my heart, but his voice is so amazing and different!!!!! Not to mention...what a hottie he is!!! Mmmmm, mmmmm, mmmmm!
I don't like Kara either. She has absolutely NO purpose. She may be an ok person, but I liked the way it was before she came. She seems like a bitchier Paula. Hmmmm, maybe her job is to be the catalyst between Paula, Randy...and Simon. I don't know, either way, I'd like it better if she wasn't on there.
Maybe there is some Affirmative Action going on Idol. You're right....the judges said at Hollywood, "forget the words, you're done" except for Stephen. They should've sent his butt home long before Jamals. Oh well...let the bitching begin!!! :) Can't wait for your next recap!
Kim, your posts on here are too funny...cracking me up about Tatiana. I am with you....Danny is going to go far on this competition.
OMG! ROTFL! Seriously Kim, I don't even watch Idol and now I want to, because of your hilarious post! Thanks for the cheer up!
I'm still not much of an American Idol watcher, but I gotta agree with you on your choice of favorite movie! Old School was hilarious! I still use lines from it on a regular basis. I dunno, got a big day tomorrow. Gonna go to Home Depot, look at some flooring, some blinds. Maybe we're going to Bed, Bath and Beyond, but I don't know if we're gonna have time!
Yay! Idol BLOGs!
I look forward to next weeks Randy-ism. I'm interested to see how you interpret "pitchy".
I was upset that Jackie didn't bring it. I really liked her voice.
I agree on Alexis, she reminded me of Nikki too. I knew she would go through. She's good and likeable.
Steve tried to compare Ricky to Clay and even though Clay and I had a falling out, Ricky's voice will never hit the notes like Clays. Ever.
I heart Meatloaf. And I heart that song of his even more. It's the meanest love song ever but I used it for one of my fanfictions because it fit perfectly. If you listen more carefully to the song (like you should with Centerfield), you will see that Meatloaf is broken from another woman saying that to him. She ripped his heart out and he turned to stone so now he says the same line to a woman actually willing to sleep with him because he can never love again (despite what Laura Fabian says).
LOL School portraits. Steve agrees with you. He was shocked that he was married to that woman. And his voice is good but the song he picked was too obscure for all of America. If you're going to do country, pick something everyone knows like Friends in Low Places or Country Roads.
Sooo pissed about Stevie. I loved her voice so much and I wish someone let her in on the secret of Taylor Swift. She may have an easy range but the girl never breathes. She has a lung capacity of a deep sea diver and I swear she doesn't take a breath through all her songs. Try singing along to Love Song. You can't. She crams too many words into one stanza it's impossible to complete the verse without breathing.
Love Anoop. Love your nickname for him. Hate the fact Michael got in over him. Seriously? Michael sucked up Gavin DeGraw’s song (*sigh* Gavin) and still got through. Buuuuuuuullllllshhhiiiiitttt. I want Anoop! This group was unfair because there were a lot of faves in this one and the next one is ridiculous! There's no one good in there! The only one in the next group I enjoy is Norman. Love him because he's funny as hell.
Hate Tatiana and I agree with your funny explanation as to why she toned it down. But they were goading her too much to be a drama queen and it got annoying.
The fact they took Stephen over Jamar still pisses me off. Why did he get a free pass for pulling a Brooke but Jamar, who was awesome, gets kicked off? Still mad.
And Danny is amazing. He has this thing in the bag. And I don't care what anyone says. He's Robert Downey, Jr.'s illegitimate son from the 80's. He must have been having a little too much fun on the set of Less Than Zero.
Great BLOG Kim! It had me laughing through my headache this morning! Sorry for my long post but you never called me back so I let it out on here. Love you!
I so agree with everything you said. I heart Danny.He just grabbed your heart from the beginning.
I wanted to jump through the screen and kill Tatiana the first time I saw her. I can't believe she made it this far.
Can't wait till next week to find out the new "Randy-ism"
You crack me up! I only watch Idol every now and then, but I am going to have to start watching it more now after reading your post. Too funny!!
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