Sunday, August 21, 2011

Introducing….PRESTON RAAB!!!

There are three things I wished for when I was divorced….and this year two of these wishes have come true.  I have closed and moved into our home, the home I built for Preston and this past Friday, August 19, 2011, my son is now officially and legally, Preston Raab.  The change of last name is something I have dreamed about-not to mention how irate I become when calling CVS for a prescription only to hear, “Oh it will be ready in 15 minutes Mrs. Lombardo.” Vomit. When I saw that written Order I could not help but tear up.  It’s been myself and my family, the Raabs who have supported and raised this fine young man.  Just in time for kindergarten (and labeling all the school supplies)!  Here he is!


I picked him up from school, sat him on the playground and showed him the name on the Order.  He looked at it and said, “Yes!” It was such a great moment.  To celebrate, Preston, Miss Kim and I all went out to dinner.  Yesterday my mother took him to Target to pick out toys to celebrate his new identity.



Monkey and Mommy Raab!



Andrea said...

Seriously. So. Awesome! His response sounds like something Evan would say. "Yes!"

Happy for the Raab family!

The Johnson Family 5 said...

He's always been a Raab to me!!! victory!!!

Melissa Swartley said...


Moma said...

our dream come true!

Lyla Our Little Miracle said...

Freakin Fabulous!!!! Woohoo! Preston looks so proud! I love how he writes his awesome. Congrats! xoxoxoxoxoxo

Unknown said...

The best news!!! So happy for the Raab family!

Michelle said...

Congrats, Kim. That's awesome. I'm so happy that Preston is now officially a Raab.

AmberK said...

:) So super sweet...he sure loves his momma!!!!! That you love him goes without even saying-it's in your faces. God sure knew what he was doing when he put the two of you together! YAY to that!!!!

Hugs and Here's to a yummy cupcake! :)
Amber K

Mike Mallinson said...

Hell. Yes. Congrats. Odd, I've always thought of that little boy being a Raab, but that's because as long as I've known him it's been through you. Glad it's official now :-))

mel said...

well it was about time. Ive only referred to him as PReston Raab since DB left so he was always that to me. But it makes me SO happy that it is offical now!!!

Kerri said...

So happy for you both....way to go mom!!!

Alex said...

SO happy for you!!!!

Greene Family said...

Congratulations Raab Family!!! Awesome news!! I'm so happy for you guys! Of course, he has only ever been Preston Raab to me, but how fantastic that it is now official! :) I just love his response to the news!!
What an amazing year it has been for the two of you so far! I hope your third wish comes true in the near future also! Love you both!!

Anonymous said...

As an attorney, you love one sided stories. You have not only annexed Preston's father (who happens to love the kid to inifinity), but you have annexed his only blood sibling, his sister.
We all know the truth. And you will forever live with that.
Congrats Kim. You win.

Mel said...

If you are going to leave an obnoxious comment at least have the guts to leave your name, even though we all know who you are, Debbie. Preston's dad sure has a funny way of showing love. moving across country, hiding on his sisters couch in Boston for months, and ANYTHING,,, ANYTHING but getting a job to try and provide support for this child that he allegedly loves so much. And you are no better by supporting such a loser. As for Preston's sister, it would be nice for them to have a relationship and Kim WANTED that and you know that. Its unfortunate that you two psychos have made that impossible at the momment. Im not quite sure how Kim "annexed" preston's dad considering that means to attach.
From another attorney who Im sure only tells one sided stories.

Barbara-Preston's grandma said...

I have kept my mouth shut for the last 5 years regarding Matt--you have definitely crossed the line with me--Matt walked out on his son --he not only walked out on Preston but he stole money from my husband and myself in addition to all his clients, he threw all of Kim's clothes away and stole money from the savings account (he at the time wasn't bringing in one red cent)--he then charged a down payment of a car and insurance for said car on my daughter's credit card--Matt is a taker from everyone--including you--you and your mother have paid a small portion of Preston's child support --Matt doesn't pay anything--he would rather go to jail than get a JOB--something a normal person does to support his or her family--Matt & you have been mean-spirited towards my precious grandson--sorry cancelling a child's 5th birthday party so he could prove a point was cruel and heartless--Neither you nor Matt watched Preston throw himself on the floor and cry uncontrollably when Kim had to postpone his party--and you had the audacity to tell my daughter "what kind of a mother are you?" no "what mother would sit by and let Matt (who by the way is a compulsive liar) cancel his son's party--you let it happen also--See if you would like it if he did it to your daughter--you have had a filthy mouth and absolutely no class dealing with my daughter--Matt is a deadbeat dad--you know it and so does the court of Virginia--he has not seen or even inquired about his son since April 20th--You call that love????-he is an absolute disgrace not only as a father but a human being--You don't think it's strange that he doesn't speak to anyone in his family--not even a phone call to his ailing grandmother--i guess taking him in when he had nothing (like he has now) cooking, laundering for him and housing him wasn't enough--he treats people like garbage and again you are not a nice person either--don't hide behind anonymity--Matt needs you to support him all he does is tweet and make useless web sites all day long--You made fun of my daughter, her friend and myself and you don't know us--- you are extremely immature---Tell Matt to step up to the plate and support and truly love his son--he is the one missing out on a truly beautiful boy--Preston is an awesome little boy with a big big heart--Both of you should put this little boy first and leave your egos and arrogance at the door! What kind of man would allow 2 women to pay $10,000.00 in child support that was ordered by the state of NY and then transferred to the state of VA to be paid by Matthew Lombardo??Just really think that through--

Barbara--Preston's grandma said...

Just one more thing--why must you always be his mouthpiece--apparently he isn't man enough to speak for himself--also he was given due notice of this change and as usual did nothing--he could have gone to court and pleaded his case --but let's think this through---he didn't and he loves his son to infinity (your words--)both of you grow up!

Jennjilla said...

First things first - Congrats! That's really awesome!

Secondly, Preston's grandma rocks. That guy sounds like a total DB!