On Friday we met the Mazurs! Danielle and I completely agree that even though we had never met face to face, once we did it was as if we knew each other for a very long time. That is the beauty and the wonder of this blogging world we have going. Well let me just tell you to see all the kids over the blogs is one thing, but to meet them in person is so much better! Peyton is the cutest thing on Earth! As you know with my son being the football fan he is and his love for the Peyton Manning/Chicken Mascot/Sony Bravia commercial, when I told him we were going out to dinner with Peyton he stated, "Oh and the silly chicken?" To which I told him that Peyton was a little girl. Now Preston could not help but correct his mother-after all I am surprised I survived for almost thirty one years without Preston being able to tell me which end is up, so he promptly responded, "No Mommy Peyton is a man." It took some time but he finally relented and let me win (yes it is a contest with my three year old).
We met at Red Robin and at first Preston was very shy around the pretty Peyton. Peyton is learning to talk and it is so cute. When I told her she was so pretty she looked at me with her big blue eyes, smiled and said "Yeah!" SO CUTE. They did warm up to each other and we got some cute pictures. It was so much fun meeting them and I am SO happy we were able to make plans. Now I cannot wait to take Preston to Disney World to meet Riley and Laynie too!
****WARNING TO CAT-Don't let Owen see-he may get a wee bit jealous! :-)

And to keep up his ladies man status today he was at Friday's for lunch. A little girl was in the booth behind us. His first line to her was, "I just went pee pee on the potty." Now there's a line I have never had used on me!
Your post was really funny and cute. I laughed at the whole 'contest with your 3 year old' and the line he gave the girl at the other booth. So cute. I love the pics and of course am jealous that we haven't met either of you yet...but hopefully soon. So glad you were able to meet. This blogging community is great and I can't wait to meet everyone!!
I love the pictures! They are so cute together. Great comment to the girl in the next booth. These blogs are wonderful at connecting our LP community.
Super cute pics! They are just adorable together! So glad it worked out that you guys were able to meet up. I hear ya on the ladies' man thing...Seamus announced recently to a little girl classmate, "I can put Wall-E underwear on by myself!" Studly, I tell you - how could any girl resist??
I'm just cracking up about Preston's line to the girl in the other booth!! TOO FUNNY!!
Isn't it wonderful to be able to meet the other families that we all know so well; and it's all because of reading their blogs! That's exactly how I felt when I met Mike, Cherylle, Caitlin and Evan!
Pres and Peyton are so cute together; glad you had a great time!
Quite the ladies man! That pick up line needs to go in the books! Betcha it's a winner! Peyton is a dolly for sure. So happy you guys got to meet. Let's all go to Disney World together some day! Anne and Steve and Drew and Alyssa and Carly can come too!
Yeah! I still haven't done my blog post yet, you beat me, but I did post pics on Facebook. I love yours! And it was so great to meet you guys too! And Jennifer...i really think a big meetup at disney world should be a plan :)
Oh man! They do make quite the couple. Maybe one day Cole can learn some catchy lines from Preston on how to pick up the ladies! I've never heard the one of pee pee on the potty, but it is quite clever...that little Preston!
Too much fun! It really is a blast to meet other parents and their kids offline - Caty is the cutest little girl ever! Well, if you don't count Caits, that is... LOL
And yeah, a big meetup at DisneyWorld does sound like fun!!
Love the pics!
look how cute they are together!!! It just melts my heart!!
As always great photos and I love that the two of them got to spend time together! Too Sweet!!
It is so great to meet our blogging families in person! We totally agree that Peyton is a doll, but Trace thinks that maybe Preston should back off a little - he kissed her first (well, except for Owen - poor Owen)! Poor little Peyton, she is kissing and we are all telling on her! Preston is too cute and quite fashionable dressed, as always!
You always have a way of making me laugh. Preston is just so darn cute. I can't get over it.
Glad that you were able to meet some new friends in person.
Hey can I go in the suitcase to Disney?
Wow what a cutie she is! The pictures are great and his line to the other girl is hialrious! He's so funny and you totally have him dressed like the little boys in the Kim Anderson photos.
How cute are they?!!!! I'm glad you had the chance to meet! What a ladies man you have there! "I went pee pee on the potty" Hysterical!
It doesn't matter what line the boy uses, Preston can steal any girl's heart with his perfect smile. The pictures are priceless!
And so it begins...you better brace yourself, because you are going to have to beat the girls off with a stick! I hope you are making plans to dispose of all this evidence on the web - because when Preston becomes a teenager he will surely want to change his name. But for now, I agree, that has to be THE best pickup line ever. :0) Thanks for sharing it!
YaYa to Bryan
Those are such adorable pictures, especially the one of the two of them hugging! It is so wonderful to get to know everyone through our blogs, but like you said, it is so great to meet in person! We hope to meet you and Preston one day soon! I love that you have to have a contest with your 3 year old - too funny! His pick up line to the girl in the next booth just cracked me up too!
I love Preston! Seriously bossin his mommy around at 3?! Oh boy ... I think you have a long road ahead of you momma! ... and telling the chick in the next booth he went pee on the potty, quite the pick up line :0)
Those pictures are so stinkin cute! I showed Caden and he stuck his finger up his nose. Not sure what that meant ... maybe he is jealous of Preston?
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