Now we move to another state and I am pretty sure that no one spoke to anyone here. But the I Love Preston fan club continues to grow across state lines. His teachers think everything he says is ridiculously funny and that he is a smartie pants. On his daily report card there is always something written that is so attuned to Preston. It's not just "Preston played in the block center today, picked his nose once and took a poop at three." One day it was how he was singing Bon Jovi while hanging in the art center. Another day when his teacher was counting off in English and then Spanish to the kids, she said "Preston you are eight-ocho." To which he responded, "No Miss Sandy. I am three." Very seriously. When he first started school he made them aware of his NY daycare injury-not just a boo boo on his finger-oh no. my son told them the correct hospital dx, "I have a hematoma." I was told they never heard a 2 1/2 year old say hematoma. Last week the teacher that started for the mornings told me she thought Preston was more mature than the other kids in the class.
What did smart Preston do this weekend? Preston at home with me is in full cry mode whenever he does not get his way. I mean this is a talent. The tears are right there-they just start. And it's not for important things-it's things like, he does not want to wear a ceratin pair of shoes, the tv is not turned on fast enough, a toy is out of batteries, the sun did not rise properly...etc. Well Preston also has a tendency that after the first wail, he takes a breath and turns purple and red and other assorted colors and you wait...and wait....and wait and then the second loud wail. I usually will say "Breathe." Last week I noticed he wasn't wailing a second time until I shook him. This past Sunday he did it again, except this time he passed OUT! Like full on passed out. You want to talk about the most agonizing, frightening, five seconds of my life? Of course to me it felt like minutes. Screaming for my parents I breathed into his mouth and then had to slap his face. Apparently Preston has decided to begin breath holding spells. Which if you research is quite common. As long as your child does not turn white/pale and pass out, it is a typical normal occurrence and it is used as ...drumroll....a form of manipulation. I was hysterical crying for about ten full minutes afterwards which I found out is exactly what they want. Of course I rushed to the pediatrician anyway who told me that, "this is what happens when you have a really smart child." He has pulled it one more time since but did not pass out. I was told that he will always come to in a matter of seconds and it will not cause any brain damage whatsoever. He now tells me he will "bweathe" and not scare Mommy.
Smart child? Hey Preston-take a breath and save the smarts for Harvard Medical School. 
OMG KIM! Preston is trouble! I'm LMAO ... I know him passing out was not a FUNNY event ~ but where do these kids come up with it? Then what a priceless thing to tell you after - he will "bweathe"!
These kids know how to manipulate us. I was talking to our sitter today - does Caden bite at Daycare, NO! - does Caden throw tantrums at daycare, NO! Why does he only do it for Mommy & Daddy?!
I think I need to bookmark this post - as I fear oneday Caden will try to pull the same stunt! I need to know what color to watch for :-) I love your closing sentence - save it for Harvard.
And by the way, I think Preston needs one more truck for his bed!
Oh my gosh!!!! I don't even know what to say about the whole passing out episode! How scary. I'm so glad you have such a smart little man but I am sorry he's THAT smart :) WOW! It's crazy how kids know how to manipulate us at such an early age. Well I'll keep my fingers crossed for the Harvard Med school and no more episodes. Can't wait to meet this kid :)
I am so not looking forward to the terrible 3's. How can a kid so adorable be such a little punk? :-) He is just too smart! You have your work cut out for you.
OMG...I'm so sorry to be laughing...but I can't help it! I know that must have been very frightening! But how funny is he?? You tell him he owes you big time, and better use those smarts of his to grow up to make the big bucks and take care of his mommy! BTW, I used to do the same mom likes to tell the stories! Love the first pic-Seamus does the same thing and then actually goes to sleep in the midst of all the vehicles. I have to go in later and remove them all so he does not impale himself with a helicopter propellor while he sleeps! Good luck, let us know if there are any more bweathing episodes!
I can't imagine how scared you were when his passing out episode happend! I'm so sorry to be laughing also but you have a little monster on your hands lol. I have to say that Preston is the cutest little thing ever and I can just tell that he is sooooo smart.
Tonya (from facebook)
Oh and in the last blog, I love your Louis Vuitton bag!! I have been looking for one like that but haven't had any luck.
Oh my gosh!! How scary! I'm so happy that Preston will "bweathe" for you - so adorable! He is such a sweetie and too smart for his own good - love your line of save it for Harvard! Does this mean that you are in for a year of great mischief?! I love all of his cars and trucks in bed with him! I'm sure it won't be long before Simon is doing this - he loves anything with wheels!
Oh man! That little would have scared me to death! I feel like Cole may be following in his good bud Preston's footsteps. I can envision Cole doing the whole hold my breath manipulation thing. They are just too smart for their own good. I just have to comment at how much I want to eat Preston up! I can't wait to meet of these day!
Too funny! Isn't parenthood grand. And us grandmas just get to sit back and smirk. I agree with the whole smart thing. He's quite amazing in too many ways.
OMG! Well, of course he is smart, he is Preston! But sheesh! That would absolutely scare the crap out of me! I hope he holds his promise to "bweathe" for you from now on! Look out Harvard!
Great dedication on Preston's part - Taylor had pulled the hold the breath stunt a few times, but never made it to passing out - and Trace has tried it once or twice, but again, apparently my kids aren't that dedicated! I would have freaked! Preston is too cute, and definitely very smart!
Wow! I swear he and Liz are so much alike sometimes - from putting things in their noises to their legendary meltdowns. Liz hasn't passed out yet. But when she was about Preston's age, she'd hold her breath until her face turned purple. SCARY STUFF these kids. Hang in there!!!
OMG Kim!!!!! This is so freaking funny, sad and scary and the same time!!! What a smart cookie!
I can't even begin to imagine how scared you must have been though!!
He sounds like such a smart little boy! :)
Preston will never cease to amaze me. That takes balls to hold your breath and if he's willing to go that far he's also a very determined little boy. I have a feeling that once he gets older he'll be applying this determination the way Pher did. I think we're going to have another brainiac running around the Raab household!
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